
How many weeks were you when you had your first baby? And how old were you??

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I am 21 years old and I'm 38 weeks pregnant. I'm just wanting to know about how long It will be before I can see my baby!! Thanks for answering




  1. your baby could come at any time.  To make you feel better in no more than 4 weeks time you will meet your little one for the first time.  

  2. Hey there i was just 18, and my daughter was born at 39 weeks, the labour went on for 12 hours but i had an epidural, which is a pain blocker....Fantastic.

    Good luck hun

  3. I was 21 when I had my daughter.  She was born at 38 weeks.

  4. i had my first baby may 18th 2008,

    [ the day i turned 39 weeks ]..

    i was due may 26th though..

    and my bday is may 24th :)

  5. I was 15 years old when I had my first, a boy, and he was born at 40 weeks 3 days. I am 21 now and 34 weeks with #2...hopefully she's a little more on time (or earlier)  than he was lol.

  6. My 1st I had right after turning 19 and she was born at 37wks

    2nd was twins, I was 23 and born at 34wks5days

    3rd I was 25 and he was born at 36wks

    Currently around 6wks pregnant : )

    Not too much longer for you, congrats on your upcoming arrival!!

  7. I was 40 weeks.  I had my daughter the day she was due.  I was 19 years old. Two months from turning 20.

  8. I went into labor on my due date and gave birth early the next morning.  I was 27.

  9. My 1st was born right on is due date and I was 33 yrs old .  

  10. I was 21 when i had my first baby, and I was 2 days late of my due date. But my labor and delivery was only 6 hours total. I'm 26 now and just had twin boys at 35 weeks. So to answer your Q i was 40 weeks.

  11. my first was born at 42 weeks typical being late with a 72 hourlab ourr good luck with yours hun!!!

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