
How many white people look to buy new homes in black hoods?

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Just curious, do any white people want to live around black people ?




  1. I am from Argentina, country in which there not people who look African American or Asiatic.

    Therefore, for me it is very easy to see when people who perceive themselves as white have African blood and it looks funny for me when people that have different ethnic origin are prejudice.

    But here people who look white want to be very distant from African American people.

    Lows have change and speachs have change, but hearts have not change.

  2. It's more economics than racism unless your talking about true inner city dynamics. It is suicide for the middle class white family to move into an impoverished black neighbourhood. There is no way they could develop enough street smarts to survive. Plus the Hatred of whites by the blacks in these areas would result in violence,this is common knowledge.   A - Typical Race Card!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Hmm..."black hoods"? Excuse me?  Are you suggesting that black people only live in hoods and that all hoods are filled with black people?  Please explain because this remark sounds incredibly ignorant.

  4. yeah sure. why not? I guess there is still some racism around, but I don't think it would be much different than living around white people... right? people are people in my eyes.

  5. What difference does it make. I look white, yet I am Spanish, Indian , and Italian.

    One foster family I had was solely black, and in a black neighborhood. The family was the nicest I had ever had, and they made me feel at home! The people in the neighborhood would come and talk to me, and they were real nice. I was the only light skinned in the area. I was accepted more by them, than any other family I ran into.

  6. While probably not exactly what your looking for, it isnt that uncommon for college educated artistic individuals to move into inner city areas after graduation or when they are out of school, especially if the city is trying to build a creative scene. With lower property values for students who have some varying skills but dont want to "conform" (as problematic of a notion as that is) its often not that uncommon for people to try doing something similar to what your describing i suppose.

    An interesting book about the issue is Neobohemia which talks about what i just described occuring in a neighborhood in Chicago not that long ago. It will probably continue to occur in higher frequency as cities try to invest in younger middle class former and current college students.

    while obviously this is just one group of people, it just goes to show that aside from teh question being a little absurd and having some poorly racialized tones, these things do occur.

  7. I live in the area I can most afford to.( we all do) that has no bearing on the color of the people who live there.

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