
How many will join me in saying...MIKEY SUCKS!?

by  |  earlier

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...i do not want him to win! i have watched this pervey pig for weeks now and the only part i enjoyed was when he Got hit by that ball! i was just wondering how many people out there agree, I Have seen a few questions on here recently about mikey and how people dont want him to win...but yet hes still the favourite.what are ur resons for dislikeing him?... heres a few of mine...

1. i think hes lieing about being 100% blind, hes slipped up a few to many times.

2. he never washes

3. he wees in cups

4. he eats like a pig

5. he bobs his head like a pigion wen he talks

6. hes a perve (obsesed with womens underwear) if that was any other bloke in there, people wouldhave said something by now.

7.he says people have double stanards...when he does himself!

8. his personality sucks! name a few...

and just to chear up all those who dont like mikey...

enjoy :) xx




  1. Ugh he's not hygiene conscious & he always feels the need to shout in the diary room.

    & yeah your right about the cup thing euugghhhh ¬_¬

    He has total disregard for others, remember the peanut butter incident?


    I mean.. C'MON =| that was selfish & disgusting it was supposed to be shared so other housemates could have some aswell !!

  2. i don't think he's the favourite cos if you watched tonight lisa's interview with davina when they were saying like if you want kat to win, rex to win, mikey to win.. they booed mikey

    i can't believe they liked rex though he's the biggest prat


  3. I dont want him to win ,I think he has always had the advantage ,of not being voted out ,He can be miserable and grumpy ,and has always talked about people behind their backs ,I dont think that much about his habits ,because Mo and Darnell repulse me worse .I would like to see him come second after the lovely Quirky Sara ,Just for his stand against Rex ,Nobody else would do it , I liked Rachel  but she always looks Drawn and miserable wrapped in that red Blanket ,And kat a One Trick Pony  

  4. happily....... He's disgusting, dirty, gets food all round his mouth and when he ate brussil sprouts and then spat them out and put them on his head!! (nothing to do with him being blind my 14 month old son eats better LOL) also he seems to enjoy dressing up as a lady a bit to much it's embarresing watch - like when he dressed up as kiki in the elton john task. He's moody and also bobs his head like a pigeon when he's in the dairy room (again nothing to do with him being blind we all know when our heads moving!) also when he's in the diary room his voice gets louder and louder.

    As for the blindness thing my boyfriend is CONVINCED he isnt totally blind too now if showed my fella this question he's like "see! See! He's not totally blind" haha.

    So who do u want to win? Please don't say kat lol x  


  5. I wont be saying that. Mikey is hilarious and totally deserves to win.

    I don't really think your reasons for disliking him are very good.

    Also, why would he lie about being blind?

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