
How many wisdom teeth do u get?

by  |  earlier

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im feeling my first one grow, on the upper right side.

it doesnt cause me pain its just annoying.

how many more r gonna come?




  1. you get 4 all together........

  2. 4..

  3. You should have  a total of four, one on each side up and down, but sometimes there is not enough room to grow, so they stay hidden under the surface,then you may need to remove them at the dentist.

  4. It depends.  The average is 4.  One on the top right, one on the top left, one on the bottom right and one on the bottom left.  

    Some people don't have any, some people have one, some two, some three....

    Sometimes, they can be impacted...(turned sideways) and can cause major problems...

    Sounds like a wisdom tooth may be erupting.  

    The best thing to do is go to the dentist and he/ she can tell you what's going on.  They may want to take x-rays.

  5. You will get 4, two on top back and 2 on your bottom back.

  6. on each side you get one at the end of your teeth or mouth.

  7. You can expect four wisdom teeth, two on each upper side and two on each lower side.

    If they are bothersome or annoying you can get them removed by a dentist because later in life they may cause your front teeth to overlap and crowd together.

  8. I f you are in pain you may need to have your gums split, or have it removed altogether.

    I haven't experienced either, but I'm sure they are painful, but it wont hurt for as long as it will take for them to grow in.

    You get 4 altogether by the way..

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