
How many women are able to...?

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How many women are able to do this?

I can, but I always though it was some extremely rare talent, can/do most girls do this? I mean on purpose, not just on accident




  1. Not all women can do this and the girl in your video may have a medical condition as I am not sure how through her jeans she is getting any air in their to do it over and over again; unless she is really farting.  However there is note for warning her blowing air into their in hopes to be able to f**t vaginally can be dangerous and cause a air embolism; very dangerous if you are pregnant.  Also it should have no scent; if it smells like a f**t you will want to see a doctor because you may suffer from colovaginal fistula.  Or an individual may suffer from female genital prolapse (typically after childbirth; this is one all your inside goodies start to fall to the outside.  I would stop practicing the vaginal flatulance and start practising the kegel.  Anyway the kegel has health and s*x benefits and Vag farts are just something to laugh at.

  2. Rare?  no

    Talent?  Jury is still out on this one.

    Thanks for the funny vid clip and the two points though!

    I'm almost to level 5!  woot woot

  3. I am wondering if this is your way of asking us if you are normal because you do this. Only a pig of a woman would want to do this on purpose and it isn't normally a topic of conversation.

  4. Feminists could do it, when they are not expressing their feminist fraud.

    See the blog:  

  5. I think every woman can, but don't like to admit it cause it's gross. It's totally normal though, I've had it happen right after s*x for obvious reasons, which was really embarrassing.  

  6. It's not sometime I pride myself on doing, and I mortified when it happens!

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