
How many women here from INDIA listen to rap music??

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I know indian music completely revolves around bollywood but still i expect there are some who listen to rap genre also.




  1. Y do all u guys have such wrong ideas about Indian girls. Liking Rap music has nothing to do with being Indian or girls. everyone has their own likes and dislikes. and most people like the kind of things with which they can relate. I m sure there must b guys who can't even understand a word of Rap, but still insist on listening to it,.. 'coz that just make them look trendy.

  2. about 10000

  3. I guess, about 50% of them would have heard rap music.  But most of them may have criticized the music and made fun of it.  But about 5 to 10% of them may have acted as if they like it because they can dominate in their friends circle.

    I don't think, an Indian origin women may like rap music.  They may listen to it just for the fun of it.

  4. dear in india there is no need to listen rape music. if any one is intrested he can get satisfied by himself r herself through masturbation. so u dont waorry abt that . just ask from yr mother r dad ,that what they do when they need to listen rap music . i think u r satisfied now..

  5. A few girls of new generation listen this kind of music

  6. U exactly rit man indian women always stick on to to bollywood may be one in a 1000000 listens to english on the whole.out of these you may find very very very very very few listenin to rap LOL..cause its india...

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