
How many women here truly believe that women are not equal to men in Islam since they are not permitted to?

by Guest66760  |  earlier

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give any public lectures regarding deen and are not permitted to lead saalat? I know that Islam gives women many rights, but why is equality in all things not one of those rights?




  1. Dear Butterfly....

    This right denied to women about not giving lectures  is something that is not Islamic.

    Prayer is logical, since a woman can not pray during her menses and imagine a woman leading prayer..... a lot of men would be dirstracted by her tusschy when she's bending down, and prayer is for Allah alone!

    Now about lectures,  please read the following article:

    It is quite long, but worth the read! It's about female hadith scholars during and after the time of our beloved prophet. They were treated equally as the men; some men even went to study with them, they sat together and learned from each other!

    Edit: Butterfly, it's only in leading prayer. Does that make me feel unequal? In NO way! To be honest, i would not be able to concentrate on Allah if i knew i'd have loads of men behind me who might be gawking at my tusch when i bow etc! it would make me feel very uncomfortable in deed!

    Women can give lectures to men and women. In the time of our prophet and shortly after, it was normal. Only think about Ayesha, who was considered as one as the highest authorities when it came to hadith and was consulted not only by women, but also by men.

    An example of a Muslimah who lectures now to men and women alike is Yvonne Ridley. So the fact that a woman can't give a lecture to males is a gross misconception my friend!

  2. ha..See how muslim brothers already answered..

    I dn't blame it on Islam.In hinduism,women dn't inherit a s**+.t from her parents.I dn't know about cristianity.

    I am fed up of all this.Women are just flesh for men to enjoy.Women are worth only their uterus or v****a..Women should "enjoy" giving bith to kids..nothing more,nothing less..

    Sorry,i am not in mood to answer ur qstn butterfly..I am very upset reading dowry system and dowry deaths in india..Even muslims this are practising this to full extent.They pay nomial mehar(500 rupees,maybe 40$) and ask for 5,00,000 rupees from brides..thereby ruining the bride's family.Even a toilet cleaner groom asks from skyrocketing dowry..

    I wish they kill all girls even before they are born.I wish there are no women in this world..Men want women just for their purpose.They dn't want female daughter,female sisters..Pls kill us all,when we are ush burden to you men..pls kill us all..

  3. A study of this leads one to conclude that the man and the woman are inherently different in the way we are made!

    The emotional vulnerability of women and their psychological conditioning are vastly different to that of the man!

    And as a result it would be only folly to assume that women can be treated as equals to man!

    Islamic tradition exalts the Muslim woman (mother, sister, wife, daughter) to a higher respectful status, superior to that on the man.

    Its the instinctive responsibility and divinely inspired responsibility of the Muslim male to provide, protect and lead.

    Empowerment of Muslim women to equals of men, particularly in the workplace, most times leads to monumental disruptions in social order, especially in the rearing of children!

    Consensus among Muslim jurists that a women is not allowed to lead men in a Mosque or congregation.

    She is allowed to lead a congregation consisting only of women.

    The Azaan is recited only by a male Muazzin.

    Itikaf, remaining in the masjid is by only males.

    Tarawih, observed in the masjid by males only.

    Muslim women are not recognized and dont meet the requirements to be accepted by men as an public authorished lecture on Deen, to an audience consistin of men.

  4. sorry im a guy but i have to answer, sister, did any woman lead salat at the time of Muhammad (saw)?

    why we should innovate something Muhammad didn't do in his life?

    Edit: i mean to lead men.

    a woman leads men?

  5. my friend in Islam men and women are equallly balanced when it comes to rights.Who told u women cant give public lectures.

    Because of Islam today women are getting their rights.When u look at the past women used to be treated like animals and used for pleasure and as a slave but because of islam today women are no longer in that situation.

  6. Who told you that Women are not permitted to give public lectures regarding deen?


    Women even can lead salaat , if its only women in the performance.

    Women are not permitted to lead salaat ,if men are with in performance.


    @ zzz311 , Its not True.since 1,421 years ,Muslim women have the Right of voting.Muslim women were the first,who got the Right of voting.


    Equality between Men and Women that is a spiritual equality and not an Earthly Physical one ;

    meaning that the equality between men and women in Islam is determined by their belief and righteous work, but their roles and responsibilities in life are different because of their physical and emotional differences.

    The western man-made philosophies  is to make men & women equal in physical status , which is against the God almighty sayings.

  7. Salam for you my dear friend. Women  and men in Islam are equal,but they have eqality not 100 % ,because Allah spoke in the Qur'an that a man/husband should be a leader and women as a wife should be a vice leader in the family.

    .Naturally a woman will have pregnancy while a man will not.A husband should eke out income for the family while a wife should raise kids and educate them at home as the first teacher for them.

    A woman is allowed to give lecture  at the university or teacher at the school She is permitted to to give public lectures especially when her audiences are women .She can lead the jama'ah shalat as an imam (leader of shalat) when all of her attendances are women too.In certain work which needs physical power is better done by a man  especially in heavy works.Do you remember that Indonesia had a woman president in the era of Megawati  Sukarno Putri who replaced Gus Dur as the fiveth president We  have some woman ministers too now such as minister of finance,minister of trade and minister of  strengthening woman human resources role in the national development.We have several women in parliament too. which its target is at least 20%.

  8. If women are not as equal as men for some things then it's for good :)

    Women does lead salaat and give public lectures ex. Farhat Hashmi

    And Cutie pie i know how it feels

    I totally agree with you but c'monnn dontt be now so out of mind that u want women to be killed, if they start killin women how will men survive :D ?

  9. Well, i am a Muslim woman and I, as many others, believe we have equal rights to men. It's not that we have many rights, we have equal rights. However, our obvious physical and emotional needs differ, and so do our rights. We have equal rights, they are just not the same. There are things we can do and rights we have that men don't, and vice versa. Women are allowed to give public lectures regarding religion and not just that. They can give public lectures on education and business. So long as they follow the dress code and are right in their tone of speech, there is nothing wrong with it. Women are also allowed to lead prayers, if they are all women. The reason a woman can't lead prayer to a bunch of men is because they will be distracted. Especially during prayer when your attention is directed to God and only God, you don't want to have to worry about that woman bending over in front of you. Islam works to make balance with human nature and we all have equal, but different rights.

    * Who said women can't vote in Saudi Arabia? That's being changed in 2009. Someone's a media puppet. If any woman is not allowed to vote, drive, work, get education, it has nothing to do with Islam. It has to do with the ignorance of the government about Islam. Islam encourages women to study and to learn and gives them full rights in every situation.

    Hope this answered your question =]

    To Asker:

    When it comes to prayer, your attention must be directed completely to God, and God alone. In the Islamic faith, when the prayer is preformed (physically), men are at the front, children in the middle, and women in the back. This isn't just an accident that women had to pray in the back of the lines. What so many people hold as a misconception about Muslim women being "objects" to men, is anything but true. Women in Islam are treated as individuals, not objects. That is the same reason why women can't lead prayers, the same reason they have to wear the Hijab. Most men naturally objectify women for their bodies, their face, practically everything. A woman deserves respect and a woman leading prayer is a distraction. I know that when a man is leading the prayer, woman don't tilt their heads up and stare. If a woman was leading prayer, there maybe one sick man staring at her while she bows down, quite the sight I say. We Muslim women are not bothered with this, so I don't understand why some people just don't get it. I explained that we have equal but different rights. We can do things men can't and men can do things we can't.

    To the user below:

    Muslim men do not take dowry from women, that's a cultural thing that is very common in India. Muslim women choose the dowry they want and the amount they want, and the man must pay. We have rights to that dowry and can spend it on anything we want. if he asks for a divorce, the woman still keeps the dowry.

    To seilbi:

    Completely incorrect. A woman, in no case is allowed to lead when a man is present in the prayer. Provide proof of the Hadith please.

    To Asker:

    Is that so?

    “In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, but, which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works. Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. Nevertheless she will be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control.” Paul, 1 Timothy 2:9-15

    Is that what you call equality in the Bible? Women in Islam are given more rights than that. Here's more:

    "Wives, submit yourselves unto your husbands, as unto the Lord...Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything." Ephesians 5:23.

    And more?

    "For man did not come from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man."

    I say, the Bible sure supports equal rights for men and women.

    As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church. (NIV, 1 Corinthians 14:33-35)

    "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." Genesis 3:16

    Conclusion. There is no way for a woman to have 100% equal rights to that of a man because a woman is not exactly 100% man. There is equality in Islam, more than in Christianity. And every Muslim woman can say they have equal rights as men do. In fact, we have more of a right to say that we have equality than you do.

  10. I know that Catholic women cannot be priests or popes and most Christian denominations are against the ordaining of women in any capacity.  My Southern Baptist mother believes that any denomination that has a woman preacher is faulty.  Most of the changes you see with regard to Women and their role in the church and christian society at large are not because of Christianity, but rather because people themselves have changed the rules.  Christianity on this issue and many others is open to interpretation by human beings.  Look how many times a Pope has relaxed or changed Catholic Church doctrine.  And this is true of every denomination.  The point is, Islam is eternal and not subject to the whims of people.  Islam is also practical.  The best example is if a man walks down the street topless, no one cares.  If a woman walks down the street topless everyone looks and whats more it is a crime (indecent exposure) and she can be arrested.  So absolute equality does not exist.

  11. I hate this "women are emotional" argument.

    I can easily find a similar argument and claim that men are overdriven by their "natural" urges, if you know what I mean, and therefore are incapable of logical decisions. How do you like it when tables are turned, gentlemen?

    And I don't accept a world where women CANNOT be leader to men. I don't accept a world where your s*x alone can determine whether you will be leader or leaded.

    Like it or not, all those so-called "religious" rules about the inferiority of women are dregs of ancient Jewish, Christian, Islamic or Hindu societies, and are irrelevant to today.

  12. Muslim men and women have different but equal rights..because they are equal...

  13. I have complete faith in Allah (SWT) and the wisdom behind His rules, that they're always for our own good, never to disadvantage us in any way. Allah (SWT) loves His creation.

  14. they can't vote in many islamic countries notably saudi arabia, that makes them pretty d**n unequal in my books, stuck in the dark ages

    rumaitha..who said women can't vote in saudi, well u just did, "its being changed in 2009"? so that means they cant vote now, no?

  15. I agree with Muhia al deen

    For zzz 311

    Unfortunately, Saudis are not representing Islam .

  16. >>>why women can't lead prayers, the same reason they have to wear the Hijab. Most men naturally objectify women for their bodies, their face, practically everything. A woman deserves respect<<<

    You are exactly right and that is why men should take responsibility for themselves.

    >>>the equality between men and women in Islam is determined by their belief and righteous work, but their roles and responsibilities in life are different because of their physical and emotional differences<<<

    Men are allowed to beat them and have no emotions involved.

    >>>Women even can lead salaat , if its only women in the performance.

    Women are not permitted to lead salaat ,if men are with in performance<<<

    Well that speaks for equality all by itself.

    >>> I mean to lead men.  a woman leads men?<<<

    Believe it or not, it does happen when they have freedom.

    >>>If any woman is not allowed to vote, drive, work, get education, it has nothing to do with Islam. It has to do with the ignorance of the government about Islam. Islam encourages women to study and to learn and gives them full rights in every situation<<<

    If you are both Muslim, you are both Islamic and you are also a women you should to something about it if you believe it is wrong.

    >>>Muslim male to provide, protect and lead.<<<

    If your women where equal there would be no reason for this as we are perfectly capable of doing this on our own and I think that is what Muslim men are really afraid of.

  17. By not saying women to lead prayers in the mosques it is not degrading but giving less burden to women.

    As for a woman being the imam of men in an unscheduled Prayer, the overwhelming majority of scholars have said that it is forbidden and the Prayer is invalid. However, At-Tabari, Abu Thawr, and Al-Muzani from the Shafi`ie school and Ibn `Arabi from the Dhahiri school held the opinion that it is permissible for a woman to lead men in Prayer and that their Prayer is valid.

    The evidence these scholars used is the hadith from Abu Dawud and Ad-Darqutni which states that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), allowed Umm Waraqah to lead her household in Prayer.

  18. I want you to sit down and actually speak to a scholar. Islam shows equality not in every aspect but in different areaswhich makes up the equal rights. Please read some authentic (not just the Qur'an but more) books listen to lectures and don't listen to a word the media is trying to portray. Then you will truly learn what Islam is all about. People keepon getting the wrong idea behind Islam. Not everyone's opinion is correct

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