
How many women out there agree that finally the old saying ?

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"sometimes the best man for the job is a WOMAN" has been proven true by Palin?




  1. Never send a little girl to do a woman's job.  I thought Palin really let women down. I have heard hundreds of men and women speak over  the years.  Women are very powerful speakers when they are good they are very good.  Does not matter if they are Republican or Democrat.  They are compelling  I found this boring.  

    I found her joke about soccer moms being pitbulls with lipstick every bit as offensive as other demeaning jokes about women.  It probably will cost her some votes.  Not all Soccer moms will appreciate the comparison.  

    I would give her speech a C and her delivery a B and her lack of accuracy a C-.

  2. noooooo....

    woman aren't stupid, you know. it's just palin.

  3. Women are smarter than that.

    Palin's a joke.

  4. I totally agree. I'm very happy with McCain's choice as VP.  

  5. The saying is true...Palin, unfortunately, is not that woman.

  6. Yea because Obama writes his own speeches.

    I do believe in Palin... She has done good things for us here in Alaska and I cant wait to see what else she can do.

  7. The best man for the job is a WOMAN--Clinton. "Republican" and "woman" are a contradiction. We women know our rights were made possible by the democratic party.

    McCain chose her because she is a woman. He is delusional if he thinks Clinton supporters are that ignorant. She will have no more power or influence than the first lady.

  8. No, the last time I heard that it was for Pelosi and she has proven that woman can be complete failures.  

  9. She is GREAT!  

  10. depends on the job sometimes it takes a woman and sometimes a man. Hello people that's why we have two genders and no we are not equal but one cannot do without the other. Who dig the hole in the yard and gets the cat or dog of the road? Not me. Who hooks the bait on the rod? Not me. Who cleans the rugs? Me. Who cleans windows and shades me.

  11. I agree that quite often, the best man for the job is a woman.

    But Sarah Palin is not that woman.

  12. even she isn't the woman for the job! We (as in women) will have our turn soon...just not this time! She's a LOSER!

  13. I really hate that saying.  It's sexist, ignorant and outdated.  (No offense intended to you, by the way.)  I believe the best person for the job is the one who is most qualified for it, period.  I don't care if it's a man or a woman, as long as he/she can fulfill their responsibilities.  Palin has a long way to go before she can prove anything, but so far she is going a long way to show that conservative women are not stupid, subservient, frumpy or lacking a sense or humor.  She is also showing us that she has the balls to stand up to any liberal, any elitist, and any criticism.  She still has a long way to go, but so far so good.  I'd rather have an inexperienced VP in the White House than a president who can't run anything except his mouth.

    McCain/Palin 2008

  14. i agree with the saying, and who knows she just might be the woman for the job. After all she has done well in Alaska and in less time than it usually takes a man.  

  15. No , NO , NO No and NO !  If all the woman are being men , what will the men do?  

  16. I agree that Palin is the best person for the job at this time in our Nation.  Someone who will stand up to keep our Nation safe and independent.  I do not think she proves this statement as truth.  But she does prove that she is what the job needs now!  I applaud her!  We need someone who loves America.

  17. I like Sarah Palin.

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