
How many women think it is a decrase to my wife if I still stay intouch with my ex girlfriend?

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I had a girlfriend for 7 years then I met my wife, my ex hate my wife and my wife doesn't care to much for either, but I still talk to my ex and now it is to the point where I wont tell my wife because she gets all pissed off, she say's why would I want to be friends with someone who hates my wife, she thinks we talk bad about her, like my ex will say your wife is physco and i will say yes and I tell her our marrital problems am I wrong in this old ex relationship even thought I still care for her...




  1. Put yourself in her place. If she's insecure, try to help her through it. You don't really sound like you care about your wife's feelings.

  2. I had a boyfriend that stayed in touch with his ex. He would give her money for her bills. I finally had enough  and I dumped him . He was a loser.  I knew I could find someone better. As soon as I dumped him I found someone else. Now I'm married to a wonderful man that respects me.  

  3. Your a ******* pig. It seems you needed to marry your ex, instead of your "wife" what in the h**l was she thinking when she said yes to you?

  4. what is wrong with you? you are hurting your wife. sounds like you never got over your ex.

    your ex hates your wife and you still talk to your ex?

    you are a cruel person, who is selfish.

    if you still want to be with this "ex" and you need her exquisite conversation so much that you don't care that you are hurting your wife, then you don't deserve to have your wife.

    imagine that your wife has a relationship with an ex boyfriend and they both talk about you and he says your an ***. tell me, how would that make you feel?

  5. i think you sound like a P.O.S. and an idiot. i hope she divorces you and finds a real man. and ur ex,well shes will get her karma for being a homewrecker. as for u, ur going to be a very lonely miserable person no matter what.

  6. make sure your wife knows.  dont go out with JUST your ex, invite your wife along.  don't be an a***e when she gets pissy because that will be throwing coal into the fire

  7. If you cared about your wife AT ALL you would cut all contact with your ex.  You are disrespecting her and treating her like she's second best and that's total bull.

    Grow up pick a girl.  You can not have both.

  8. You are stupid. You married your wife because you love her. Right? You dated the other women for 7 years without getting married. That tells me that she was obviously wrong for you. The woman you love and actually married does not want you communicating with the "other" woman. Your wife is upset and depressed. Does she not mean anything to you? Do you not love your wife anymore?

    It sounds to me that you were scared to marry the woman you were with for 7 years so you broke up and married the very next woman you dated. Do you think you made a mistake?  Maybe you realized that you should have married the other woman. Whatever the scenario is you are being unfair to your wife. If you love your wife and want to stay married you need to cease communication with the other one. If you think you made a mistake and don't love your wife then it is time for divorce.

    Also, discussing your marital problems with your ex is inappropriate. Obviously your wife is right in thinking that you and your ex talk badly about her. Because you do!  Gee, I wonder why your wife has low self esteem? Is it because she is married to an a*****e who has no respect for her whatsoever?

    You need to do society a favor and jump off a bridge. Take your stupid needy ex with you. She must be a nasty ugly ***** if she can't find any other man to date. She obviously leads you around by the balls since she wormed her way into ruining your marriage. You are really stupid.  

    Sorry, Mommy to be..I hit the wrong button. I meant to hit thumbs up.

  9. yes u r wrong. bc like u said u still care for her. and by u still be talking to her and not care about wat ur wife says is bc not only do u care for her but ur still in love with her.

    do ur self a favor and get ur head cleared up before things get worst  

  10. If you're ex thinks your wife is psycho and your wife doesn't like your ex to begin with, then by you talking to your ex-girlfriend shows a lack of respect for your wife. There's a reason why you married your wife and not your ex? Why do feel the need to continue carrying a relationship with your ex? You have no business keeping in touch with your ex let alone go to her house and take her out. How would you feel if your wife continued to see and talk to her ex-boyfriend? Your wife is probably suspecting that you and your ex are more than just friends and I wouldn't blame her for thinking that. In fact, it sounds like you're having an emotional affair with your ex because you are sharing information with her regarding your marriage and the problems you're facing with your wife. The only person you should be talking to about marital problems is with either your wife or a marriage/family counselor not your ex. Leaving her will not re-build her self-esteem and no, she is not the one with a problem.  

  11. you pig of course you should not be friends with your ex. how would you feel if she were friends with her ex and ran to him every time you have a problem and talked about you behind your back grow up and be a man and tell your ex your married now and to move on

  12. steve,

    I can't believe you posted this, Im not depressed I'm numb to all of this with cathy and you, it is rediculas and pointless to my marriage with you. Im tired of it all, you have no balls to discuss any of this with me like I expect my husband to do. I got the abortion because you are asking me to bring a child into a no where marriage and no way would I put a child in the middle of this ****. Go talk Cathy go make her your everything. their is nothing stoping you obviously... I don't need your bullshit anymore. YES I WANT A DIVORCE...NOT YOUR KIND OF SYMPATHY. their now the decission is made have a great life.

    your wife Renae...

  13. why do you keep posting these? You're a jerk to your wife if she is a psycho divorce her but I doubt its her who is the psycho I have a sneaky suspicion its you

  14. You are very wrong.

    When you got married, you should have cut ties with the ex.

    YOUR WIFE SHOULD COME FIRST. As a husband, you should be considerate of your wife. Why do you still feel the need to have the ex around in your life? I can imagine how your wife feels.

    I bet you would not like it if the situation was in reverse.

    What if your wife was dishonest with you about spending her time with her ex of 7 years and the ex knew all about your problems at home? How would you like it if he told her negative things about you?

    -It wouldn't feel to good, would it?

    If you want your marriage to really work, you need to pick and choose. Either you want a future with your wife or do you still want to keep living in the past with the ex.

    You decide.

  15. ur grammar is a 'decrase' but that being said, you have NO business being friends with an ex and you are even further disrespecting your wife by sharing your intimate relationship details and marital problems with her...that is emotional say you care about your ex but not once in this did you say you care about your wife or how she feels...this is completely disgraceful to your marriage to carry on with this conduct  

  16. I just don't understand what is the attachment that men have with their ex. I called off my wedding in July because of a similar problem. My fiancé still was communicating with his ex and once she found out we were getting married, she made a career out of trying to break us up. I did not give her the satisfaction of breaking us up but I did call the wedding off and made him get a restraining order against her and we are in counseling. I just felt like his friendship with her was more important than our relationship. Unless u have kids with the ex, there is no reason to have communication.  

  17. all women think that you should not try to communicate with exes... it is not a matter of being mature or whatever... this is being secure. My husband as a husband should make his wife secure and on the number list all the time so do the wife... and if talking to the exes makes the wife or the husband feel upset then why talk to the exes....they belong to the past... so treat them as such..  

  18. SNORT!!!

    I hope at least that you were smart enough to have a prenump this time or this one is gonna clean your slimmy butt out.....

  19. okay. you need to remember who you married and who you didn't. going to you ex to tell her about your marriage problems and agreeing with her that you think your wife is crazy? that's messed up. you need to get your priorities straight because you married your wife and broke it off with your ex. ANY girl would be pissed if her husband still cared about his ex and still talked about. And btw...throughout that whole thing, you did not say at all that you cared about your wife. You need to fix things with your wife and completely end things with your ex, because there is a reason why she is your ex.

  20. You're wife should be telling all your friends how you are a poor husband...then she can get some attention!

  21. I would not want my SO talk to their ex, even if it was the nicest person in the world. That's past that is interfering with future and present.

  22. well, I'm not the really jealous type but what you are doing is just plain wrong.  Why did you marry in the first place if your ex is your best friend? It's one thing to have contact with your ex and to get along with her. But to discuss your marital problems with her and agree with her (even if it is in jest) when she calls your wife phsyco...THAT is horrible. If I were your wife I would dump your *** and let you go back to where you obviously care more about being, with your ex. Have you ever thought that maybe your ex is just loving this??. It gives her "power" to know she can keep pissing off your wife (and hurting her). You are both hurting her. You should take the advice that is about to come your way and go one way or the other.....  You and your ex are not very nice people. You should be by your wifes side. I'll bet your ex doesn't want you but she loves keeping a wedge in your marriage!

  23. You are supposed to have your wife's back no matter what. Which one is more important to you, your wife, or your ex? It sounds like you are choosing your ex's feelings over your wife's feelings. I'm sorry but that is wrong. If you dont start putting your wife's feelings first you will eventually lose her. If you care about losing her I would say see ya to the ex. It may be fun to talk to her but is fun and exciting really worth losing the one you married?

  24. r u crazy? ur married and only important person in ur life should be ur wife.she has every right to be angry at ur behavior.but it seems like u don't love her as much as u love ur do everybody a favor get divorce and go back to ur ex.otherwise break every tie with ur ex!

  25. No to it being wrong but yes to what you talk to her about. You can be friends with her....but your marital problems are between you and your wife not you and your EX girlfriend. You are just screaming to your EX that you are not happy with your wife....

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