
How many wonders are there?name them?

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How many wonders are there?name them?




  1. 7.... the updated ones are:

    1)"Christ the Redeemer" statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    2)Great Wall of China

    3)The Colosseum, Rome, Italy

    4)Petra, Jordan

    5)Machu Picchu, Peru

    6)Chichen Itza, Mexico

    7)Taj Mahal, India

    the ancient originals are:

    1)The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt

    2)The Colossus of Rhodes, Greece

    3)The Lighthouse of Alexandra, Egypt

    4)The Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Greece

    5)The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Iraq

    6)The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, Turkey

    7)The Temple of Artemis, Turkey

  2. Seven. Great pyramids of Giza; hanging gardens of Babylons; statue of Zeus at Olympia; mausoleum of Helecanassus; Colossus of Rhodes and pharaohs of Alexandria.

  3. People like to say "seven wonders"--there was a list of the seven wonders of the ancient (Roman) world.

    But, as for how many there are now, it depends on your definition of a wonder!

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