
How many words does Johnny Depp say in Edward Scissorhands?

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In the whole movie




  1. 6537

  2. 17

  3. 5,345,768,123,746,578,234


  4. Flippin heck!! Who CARES how many words he said??? Did he even SPEAK in the movie? I was too busy ogling him. Ok, heres another  - how many times did I have to wipe the drool from my chin while watching Johnny Depp in ANY film?? Hmm? Hmm?

  5. I think he only had one line -- where the girl asked him, "Hold me," and he replied, "I can't."  It was not a dialogue-heavy role.  But I haven't seen the movie for 20 years, so I am not positive.

  6. Did he spoke in the movie? Really??? Hmmmm....

  7. How is anybody supposed to answer that? Why do you need to know? (Please e-mail/message me)

  8. Not very many. Probably from about 5-150... Not very much though.

  9. Johnny Depp said only 169 words in this film.

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