
How many words per minute should a secretary be able to type?

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How many words per minute should a secretary be able to type?




  1. It depends if Monika is under the table

  2. It depends on the job, but usually it's about a 50 wpm requirement for a basic secretarial job.  

    If transcription is involved, that number jumps precipitously.

  3. It depends on what the employer wants. Usually, you will see a number specified in the job ad. Or, they will say that you have to take a test. I worked as a high level secretary and was not required to type a certain number of words. That is because I did not type a lot of long documents or documents that were needed immediately. My job involved dealing with people and typing a lot of short letters and notes. Typing speed did not factor into it.

  4. Did I just wake up in the 80's?  Secretary?  Typing?  Who does that any more?

  5. Most companies want at least between 60-75 wpm.

  6. I'm not a secretary - but I can type 60wpm.  I used to be able to do 70

    I think anything 50 or over is fine. After all, it's not the only thing which is needed.

  7. At the very least 75.

    The general consensus is 100 though.

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