
How many working women here would prefer to be at home?

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And how many stay-at-home women here would prefer to go to work?

Please do not answer for the other side unless you know someone who is on it and would like to share her experiences.




  1. There are days when I'd love to be at home.  At the same time, I know it's a case of the grass being greener on the other side.  I quit my job years ago to go to grad school, then had problems finding employment and was a housewife for a while.  It was horrible.  I was depressed and unchallenged.  I tried to find and create new challenges, but there were days when just getting out of bed was hard.  Taking care of the house was unfulfilling.  I stagnated.

    I wouldn't mind working part time, though.  In a way I think that would be the best of both worlds.  These days my biggest complaint is that I don't have time to relax, so working part time would solve that.

  2. No thanks.

  3. I stayed at home for 14 years, and wouldn't have changed a thing.  I now work part time during the school year, and it's great.  I get to work while the kids are in school, and am home when they are home.

  4. I'm a student who lives in an apartment with my boyfriend. For the past five months I've stayed at home (not working) to focus on school and an internship, and I've realized that stay-at-home-ing is really not for me. I get cabin fever if I stay in one place too long. I have to work to keep my mind busy and I love making my own money and knowing that I have value within a company.

  5. I work part time and it works well for me.  I was a SAHM for 15 years with 3 kids, and I always wanted something more...but not a full time career.  I finally found the balance.

  6. Single mother here:

    I would love to work part time but make the same $$$


    ive been working since my baby was 6weeks old, and it would be nice.

    just not all day long.

    part time only.

  7. Darling I would Love to have a job  a home to go to. As it stands I do not have eather. If you are wondering how I can got online to post answers laptops do not cost as much as they used to. I know as I am a homeless woman living in Los Angeles.

  8. I would love to go home right now!

    ... Oh wait, you meant something else, nevermind....

  9. As a working women, there are always times when I feel like I could or would want to be a stay-at-home mom, but at the same time, I feel I would get bored.  I like keeping busy at work, I like making my own money, and I like knowing that I always will have a career to back me up.  I do not like to depend on anybody else.  

    Granted, I know children keep a person busy, and I'm sure there is always volunteer work one could do to fill in the gaps, but it's just not my cup of tea.

  10. I'd like to be at home right now.  I'm hoping I can pull off a few days of vacation to do just that fairly soon. . . darn this grad school life!

    I think I'd go nuts if I didn't have some kind of work to go to, though.  Ugh.  Being home most of the day is nice sometimes, but not in the long term.  Where's the mental stimulation and challenges?  I don't do kids unless they're old enough to fend for themselves for a few hours at a time. . . not a mom or really even the motherly type. . . and I'm never really comfortable if my house is too clean.  I like having to hunt through the occasional piles to find stuff -- at least I know where it is, as I probably won't remember where I put it if I find it a home.

    My mom never stayed at home when I was little. . . other than the summers off teaching brings. . . and she can't stay home now in retirement without it really bugging her eventually.  I think she made it a few months into the next school year before she HAD to start looking for at least a part-time job.  She's much happier with places she has to go at least a few times a week, and by "has to" I mean "people are counting on her to be there so progress can be made".

  11. Not me. I love my daughter and the quality time we spend together, but I need intellectual challenge in the form of pursuing my profession.

  12. Career mom...currently temporarily SAH....No way I'm doing this forever...nothing to do!.

  13. I think I would prefer to work and stay childless. But if I did have a kid I would maybe do part time hours for a while. I couldn't completely give up my career.

  14. when i get married and have kids it would be great if i could be home when they are little, but as soon as they all go to school, i'll be so bored by then.  it depends really.

    right now would i prefer to be at home? .... h**l YES

  15. I would hate to give up my career.  Granted, I don't have children and don't plan on doing it anytime soon if at all, but I love working and I've worked very hard to get my education, don't want to waste it sitting at home.

  16. I am a Full Time Mother and that is what I want to be.

  17. I'm single, BUT if I was a married woman and my husband was making enough money to take care of things..I wouldn't mind staying at home. There are advantages. As long as I'm not forced againgst my will, I'm okay with it.

    My career is important to me, but let's say something happened and it had to stop...I wouldn't cry about not being able to work anymore.

    I would be upset if my husband got fired or there wasn't enough money..Then yes, I would demand to work.

  18. I would never want to stay at home, I'd go out of my mind with boredom.

  19. I am content at  home.

  20. I would really want to stay at home to take care and raise kids,do housechore ,gardening,cooking for a family.but I can not afford not to go to work to pay bills

  21. Does your question expect moms and wives(no-moms) as same?

    because many moms would early on want to stay at home to take care of kids but later on join work force to persue career.

    My mom is one such woman.

  22. I work.  Would definitely not want to be a SAHM.

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