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" Are you in a plain flying to Bermuda right now ? "

Poll : Airways or Your Ways ?




  1. No I am not but I think you should put the drink down before you wind up like me...;...

  2. i wouldnt be in a plain flying i'd be in a plane? so the answer is no way lol :-)

  3. just passed through the triangle!  Phheeewww!

  4. not i. your way

  5. no i'm not, i answered because it looks like you are very attractive judging by your icon. :)

    your way baby ;)

  6. no....

    my ways

  7. no I am not on a plane right now.

  8. Yeah, why not .Anyway it just a place were their is a lot of magnetic interferences. If you know how to fly with you're instruments and have you night flying degree, you should be set because it will only effect the magnetic compass and a few other basic things like you're clock (Analog) but I think you won't die if you can't tell the time.  

  9. No, I am not.

    Were I in a plane flying to Bermuda, I would not be answering the question.

    However, I have no plans to fly to Bermuda in the recent future.

    My ways.

  10. i wont, thats for sure, and im not  

  11. All the way

    and no Bermuda for me..: (

  12. in a plain what ? white t shirt ?

  13. I don't get it. hahaha

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