
How many would stop?

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So driving home last night on a crappy hiway covered in black ice, we noticed a car's headlights in the ditch.

We stopped (almost hitting the ditch to see if they were okay and it turns out their car had flipped in the ditch.

Everyone thankfully was okay, but they said that they were sitting there (-26) for over 2 hours and no one had stopped, many, many passed but we were the only ones who stopped.

How many of you would or wouldn't stop and why? I am just really curious.




  1. Sad truth I probably would not due to my own selfish reasons toward avoiding potential danger.  The people in the car could be heavily drunk, drugged, part of a car chase...and by helping them I realize they could just as well turn around and, say, shoot me.  

       On the side, if I tried to help them or carry them personally, a criminal (say the guy who hit their car into the ditch or held them up from a back-seat) could frame me since I "had my finger prints on the bodies" from carrying them.  I am scared I would make a really bad CSI in such a case.

      However I WOULD at least call 911 and say the car was ditched and there might be people inside.  And, if they told me I could stay and help out, I would...though what you did was admirably courageous and much more so than simply calling for help.

  2. I would deff stop to see if everyone is okay... you have to think what if that was your family member in the car and what  if there are children in there. you never know so yes i would stop.

  3. If it looks like there's a way I can help someone who obviously needs it, I stop.  A car upside down in the ditch, regardless of temp. would require that I at least stop, stick my head out the window and ask if any help was required.

    I do it because it's what needs to be done.  Someone picked me up when I wrecked my truck in highschool, (I still hear his wife shouting for him to pull over as I crawled out with blood streaming down my face and all over my shirt.) Truckers stopped for me when my company vehicle blew a tire, and again when it caught fire a few months later; (the latter refused to even let me pay for the fire extinguisher he expended to help me get the flames under control.)  

    Karma, I guess.  Changing a tire for someone having problems, putting out a fire, and offering to take someone to, or call for, help the victim(s) obviously need has been done for me so many times when I needed it that it just seems natural to me.

    The number of people that stopped to inquire as to my well being after any of my better wipeouts on ski slopes only makes me feel better about doing it.  And laugh as my father grumbled about so many people stopping for him and offering help that he felt guilty about not getting up when he just wanted to lay there for a minute.  

    The risk is so minimal when someone's in a situation like that, a delay in your travel time is pretty easily explained, why not stop and help?


  4. Well I would most definitely stop...or at least call the police and report the accident

  5. To be quite honest, I would only stop if there were no other cars there.  I own a 4 wheel drive F150. I have pulled many vehicles out of ditches. However, in the area I live, it seems everyone owns a truck and everyone stops to help. I have seen numerous accidents from there being TOO many helpers on scene. I think if you drive by someone in a flipped vehicle and they are all alone, come on, help them out. But, if there are 10 people already helping out a downed vehicle, move on unless you are being flagged down. Rubber necking leads to accidents, too.

  6. i help people all the is kinda remote out here so i think it is important to stop.. on the other hand i understand why some people would be afraid to stop

  7. Sorry, I beat myself up over this all the time, but I'm usually driving alone.  I usually call the police and keep going.
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