
How many years,months and days are in 1335 days?

by  |  earlier

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no,I would like for you to tell me how many years there are.. the days which canot form a year become monyhs and the reamining days that cannot form a month will be the days




  1. If you are using only regular years, no Leap Year, and you start your additional months with January, you will have:

       3 years 8 months and 27 days

  2. If you consider a month to be 30 days..

    3 years 8 months

    Or do you want them all separate?

    3.66 years

    45.17 months

    1335 days of course :P.

    EDIT: Ok with your instructions then my first answer is correct.

    3 years 8 months

  3. yr = 1335/365

    mo = (1335/365)/12

    day = 1335

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