
How many years Will sachin take to break Great Brian Lara's record?

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How many years Will sachin take to break Great Brian Lara's record?




  1. If he still playing like this, he has to play dozen of test matches to break Brian's records. So calculate it yourself.

  2. he giving chance to his best friend for retain his record for a while

  3. When an elephant is down even mice try to run about his body.

  4. god bless for posting such a mesmerising Q buddy!

    you are absolutely awesome !

    India is doing well in this test match, its presence of Sachin , which is most important not the runs!

    i wish all the best for Sri Lanka , hopefully SL can win a test match in Aus or SA sometime!

    god bless!

    best compliments!

  5. next series..i hope..

  6. 10 yrs

  7. At the rate hes going, the next century seems likely lmao

  8. Hey man...

    Its jut not too far...

    It will be RIGHT on NEXT SERIES...

    It will be the TALK IN CRICKET WORLD...

  9. Good things take time

  10. Denagamage Proboth Mahela de Silva Jayawardene


    bloody minnows

  11. i don't think Sri Lanka can win a test match in Australia or South Africa for another 200 years !

    hope it helps!

    you son of a ranting expert, lmao !

    god bless (not)!

  12. He will defeniteley break it this year itself.

  13. Hopefully, in October month.

  14. Lol

    hopefully within this year

  15. Sachin can break Great Brain Lara's records in days or months or in years.

    But the Great Lara can never break Sachin's records..not even in his dreams.

  16. Will be in the next series...........

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