
How many years after passing your driving test can you teach someone how to drive?

by  |  earlier

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i want to save money and take lessons from my family & friends but first want to know if they will be able to teach me as someone who has had there driving licence for the pass 5 years told me that she will not be able to teach me as she cant is she just saying that or just trying to get out of teaching me.




  1. Michael S has it right. Assuming you are in the UK.

  2. Usually, anyone with a valid driver's license can teach you to drive...Check local laws to see if there are any age restrictions.

    If one is going to teach driving for pay then they must be registered and insured by the licensing authority and have municipal approval to operate as a business...The driver training business will be required to issue certificates of completion.

  3. Technically yes the whole being over 21 and having your license for 3 years means they're allowed to sit with you in the car...but you got to be insured to drive on their car and to add you to their insurance...well it's going to bump their premium, which is probably why they're not jumping at the idea. Not to mention if you rely on them only, you're going to pick up bad habits, which are going to fail you like a ******.

    And i get what you're saying about the cost of lessons (i'm in london so i've got it really bad) but i still managed to find £19/hr compared to the bump of BSM/AA who charge like £25/hr, and if you tell fam/friends that you're taking official lessons they're more likely to take you out in their car because they're thinking 'oh they must know something', if you get what i'm trying to say.

    I went out with my dad (w/o insurance, let's face it who's going to pay an extra £1500 for it) and i nearly ran a red light once (didn't see it) and he was shytin it like anything, he was all like if police saw, "i'd be in big S**t, you be in big S**t, we all be in big S**t."

    So what I'm trying to say is do both. Go take lessons and go out with fam/friends it's the best's also the quickest way.

  4. Definately over 21 with three clean driving years experience.

    But heres a tip - don't be taught by family or friends as the arguments and upsets just arn't worth the hassle.

  5. you can learn to drive as long as you have a qualified driver sat in the car with you i dont think there is a time limit

  6. micheal s is right

  7. they must be over 21 and passed there test for 3 years or more...

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