
How many years back would you like to go back in your life to start again with what you know now

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you remember everything




  1. Nice for you to admit that. I do not think I regret my past so much as I want it to be a jumping board for a better future :]

  2. i would go back to when i was dating this douche and i would make sure we never dated and i never lost my v card to him. Hes the worst person youll ever meet

  3. Good question, id go back to 18 and i would have travelled alot more before getting married and having kids.....

  4. Same for me.  I would go back to when I was 13 and say "not interested" when I was offered to smoke pot.

  5. I would go back to my senior year, and not moved to NYC too soon.

    The change from suburban life to such a big city was too much for me, and I was lost sight of my goals for quite some time. I had to spend all of my time looking for jobs that would pay my rent instead of looking for work that I would enjoy doing.

  6. Your past has made you what you are today.  Use it to make yourself the person you want to be.  Never look back with regret.  Look forward and use lessons learned in the past to make yourself stronger.

  7. allllllll the way back to the womb =]

  8. Hmmm I guess Id go back 3 years i did some stuff back then I totally wish I didnt....cutting...oded on pills yea not a yea

  9. 7 years

  10. I've made so many bad decisions in my life that it's hard to choose, but I suppose if I went back to 19 years old I be able to undo most of them.

    I would have bought a house when I had a £17,000 deposit instead of wasting the money.

    I'd have ditched my boyfriend the first time he was unfaithful instead of devoting 8 prime years to the ******** who ruined my confidence.

    There's just 2 to be going on with.

  11. i'd go back 7years and not meet my husband

  12. None.

    There are more than enough mistakes to go around. If I manage to avoid the mistakes I made the first time around, I'll arrive to a brand new set. I'd rather proceed under the set I already have and do it better in the tomorrow I've already earned.

  13. back to when i was seven, around that age maybe, and i could tell my da where to go, and i would have known not to listen to any bulshit that enetered my life because i would have known that one day my life will not be like this and i will be free (and richer because I wouldnt have to pay a psychologist tons of money!)


  14. 32 years exactly.

  15. I would start from scratch. They would think I'm a genius at five, because I can operate at a high school level :D They would skip me from preschool to high school and I would make the national news xD haha Little would they no, it's just a teen in a baby body ;) Fun topic.

  16. I would like to go back to when I was 3, so 14 years ago :-)

  17. i would go back 10 yrs. when i would not have used sunbeds. but i would still have my kids

  18. I'd like to go back to before my brother was born

    So I'd know to end it all then ( joke)

    Look at these:

    Edit: Been thinking bout this, and I just, stuff this I can't put it into words. I can tell you what colour I'm feeling tho, a shimmery teal. I'm good at colours, just not words.

  19. aah yes I've often fantasised about being a little kid knowing what I do now.. and freaking people out completely like in the butterfly effect. I'd go back all the way baby

  20. I would go back to 2004 when I began college and refuse to date the guy that became my boyfriend. There were always ups and downs with him, mainly because he liked to party, use drugs, commit crimes, etc. Until finally he got arrested in 2006 for breaking and entering a house with a loaded gun, beating up an old man, and getting caught all over a bad weed deal. After that I wasted a year on him going to jail visitation and court hearings. It was heart-breaking and I was always depressed. So technically I wasted 3 years or so on him, even though I knew better not to have dated him. But broke up with him when I came to my senses and I am happy now. And I guess I learned my lesson?

  21. age 14

  22. About 5 years back, when I was leaving high school and choosing my first university degree.

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