
How many years can a horse live??

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I don't know all about horses and I have a test today! I need help!




  1. Well that all depends on how well it is taken care of.  I think the oldest living horse was a 52 year old TB.  Im not sure if this is 100% true or not.  But 52 years is a super long time for a horse to live!  A horse's typical life span is around 25 years.  But its not that uncommon for horses to live to be in their 30's.

    Good Luck on your test!!


    this link has some cool horse trivia..

    they can live to 30 or even 40, but 20 is more the usuall.. since many people do not keep them beyond that

    racehorses have average lifespan of only 5 years.

  3. I read in a horse and rider mag. that a horse lived to be 45.

  4. It really depends on how well they are cared for and also their general well being. There is a horse at my yard that is 23yrs and she is still competing at low levels and is doing really well. I know another horse that lived to be 40 but I think a well looked after horse will live to about 30 - 35 but obviously they are not ridden to this time.

    Hope this helps.  

  5. I think 30-35 years is the average lifespan. My horse right now is 20 and looks and acts 10 because she was kept in such good shape playing professional Polo. So I think their lifestyle, care, and genes has a lot to do with it. I knew a horse who lived to be 35, until she had to be put down because of complications.  

  6. Average lifespan is typically between 24-30 years of age.  Oldest recorded horse was 62 before he passed on.

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