
How many years did Obama serve in the military?

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I heard that he served in the marines from my friends, is this true? How many years did he serve and what duties was he assigned to?




  1. I would hope that you don't really make a decision about whom to vote for based on this.  It is just not appropriate.

  2. He didn't serve ever I don't think.

  3. He was never in the military.

  4. do you really think obama is good? i think he sucks and hope mccain beats him!! if you disagree you should go vote for obama on this site..

  5. He has never served in the US military, if you read any of his books you will find he spent his younger years, experimenting with drugs and trying to find his "racial identity" Not in service to his country. Your friends might be misinformed and confusing him with his mentor Jeremiah Wright, whom while having very weird ideologies and spreading vicious lies, did serve in the Marines.

  6. To my knowledge, he never served in any branch of the military.

  7. He served Zilch, Zero, Nada, None!

  8. NO! Obama did not serve in the Marines or in any military force. My personal opinion is that he is a coward because he did not join the military. I believe that every president should serve in the military. If Obama gets into presidency I say the best way to go is to flee the country, anyone who would like to join me is welcome. McCain will beat him though!

  9. Obama did not even do a semester of Jr ROTC in high school.  

    However I did hear that he slept on a military base a few times since he started running for president.   Does that count?  

  10. No, he was not enlisted or a commissioned officer in any of the branches of the service.  

  11. He never served in OUR military.   His training may have included Military training in another country though, considering where he got some of his education.

  12. Bull.  he ran like a coward.  Can you imagine him commanding our military?

  13. He has not.

    As for the other comments I bet you would hope no one votes based on this because then he would lose. Regardless of that you can choose many of the other reasons not to vote for him. Character is what a canidate is voted on. Serving in the military shows patriotism and character of self and country. Hooah! Go McCain. Obama has accomplished little if anything valuable. He is the most liberal Senator in the senate who preaches change but doesn't to like vote for or against bills just that he is present. I remind you not all change is good. He wants to make changes for his way based on popularity, not for the benefit of America.

  14. Your friend mind be thinking of Rev. Wright. He was a marine for a longg time.

  15. um no he has not

    what u should be asking is if it's true obama is a terrorist  that needs to be answered

  16. not a second....

  17. Nada second

  18. He never served in the US Armed Services.  

    He is young enough so that he was not affected by the military draft and it was his choice to serve or not to serve.  He chose to not serve in the US Military.  

    Your friends are wrong, they can read his bio from most any news source or from his Senate office.  None of these sources mention him serving or even attempting to serve in the military.  Hilary Clinton once remarked she tried to join the marines but was supposedly told by the marines to go join the Army.  That may be where your friends are getting that he was in the marines.

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