
How many years do most kids go to pre-school these days? I see programs for kids as young as 2, but what is?

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the norm?




  1. We offer 2-1/2 years program (2 days per week), 3 year old program (3 days) and 4 year old program (4 days per week).  The youngest class (6 enrollees) is all about socialization, along with getting their hands dirty (fun projects).  

    3 year olds still concentrate on socialization, plus have a letter a week and learn there are only 10 fingers on both hands.  They are divided into classes of 6 and 8 students.  They have lots of artwork to strengthen fingers.  

    The 4 year olds write their names and really get ready for the big time - Kindergarten.  They are divided into classrooms of 8 to 10 students.

    Most of our "graduates" have attended 2 years.  That seems to be the average in our area.  Children who attend only 4 year old preschool do very well.  As a group, they are as ready as the ones that have attended 1 to 2 years.

  2. I volunteer in a Head Start class room.  They accept children ages 3-5.  The most number of years a child in this program would go to preschool is 2 years.  I am fairly sure this is typical of preschools.

  3. My daughter went to preschool for two years, but it wasn't a rigorous program that got them super ready for school.  It was better for socialization overall.

    First year was two days a week, 2nd year was three.

  4. The age for pre-school is 3, nothing higher or lower than that. It is like this because, from around the world, parents and teachers and psychologists alike have agreed that kids at age 3 are easier to work with because they have a much higher attention span than 2 year-olds, and are basically "brand-new" to learning. Therefore, teaching them is quite the treat, and they are better disciplined. This age group is usually prefered for pre-school more than anything else. Besides, 2 year-olds are still considered babies, which they are. You wouldn't enroll a 1-year old in school, now would you?  Now/well, as for those programs for 2 year olds, those are just helping to develop them into better kids to be able to teach in pre-school. If there was alot of hands on activities, little "rule" cards or small finger crafts, then that was based on getting them familiar with school and the new authority figures they would have. That shows them that Mummy and Daddy will no longer be there to help them everyday and throughout the day when they start school.

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