
How many years of college are generally needed to become a grade school teacher?

by Guest45160  |  earlier

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im hoping to maybe teach 4th or 5th grades




  1. if you know that is what you want to do, you need to receive a Bachelor's Degree in Education.  look for a college that has a strong education department and their websites will layout what is required.  Some school's require a 5 year program, however most have a 4 year that can be completed in 3 years if you take summer classes.  If you hope to get a master's degree as well, (higher pay scale when working), you can do an accelerated 14 month program after you graduate from the bachelor's program, or you can do a joint BA, MA program which is usually about 5 years.  The best way to find out is to go to the websites of the schools you are looking at and look at their education department websites.  Don't hesitate to email any of the professors whose addresses are listed, usually they are more than happy to answer questions.  Good luck!!!

  2. 4 years ay any college.

  3. 3 or 4 yrs I teach 1 st grade

  4. It takes most people 4 years to get their bachelors degree in education -- that includes your practicums and one semester of student teaching.

  5. There are different routes that people can take to become teachers. However, everyone must hold a bachelor's degree, which would generally take 3-5 years depending your class load, if you take summer session or not. While you are in college you can be in the teacher certification program while working on your degree. The program adds on a semester or so of classes and a semester of student teaching. If you take summer school and the maximum course loads, then it is possible to finish in a year.

    Another route is to get your degree first, then enter the postbaccaleureate teacher program at a university.

    There's also an alternative certification program, it takes about a month to complete the institute. You have to find a job first to qualify for a probation certificate. You will then become a teacher of record. Once you complete probation (teaching at the same school for a year) you can apply for a teaching certification.

    If you are were military, there's a program called Troops to Teachers that will help you pay for and become a teacher. Spouses to Teachers is for military spouses who want to become teachers as well.

    Every state is different. Check the state education agency website for which credentials you need to become a teacher. Good luck.

  6. You have to get a bachelor's degree... that should take 4 to 5 years depending on how long you take to get through school.  Then once you're done with that, depending on the state you live in, you'll have to go back to college to keep your teaching license up to date.  In Ohio I had to go back 2 years after finishing college & take 3 more credits to keep it up to date.  Teachers are considered "lifelong learners" so they're always taking classes & learning new things; school never ends for teachers so make sure you really liked school & are okay with being in one forever & always learning new information! Also, to teach 4th or 5th grade, you are probably going to be teaching 1 or 2 subject areas like math & science or english & social studies.

  7. Depends on your state.....  Some states require you to have a masters which is roughly 6 years (depending on how motivated you are)

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