
How many years of "executive experience" does McCain have?

by Guest56107  |  earlier

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By this logic Palin is more qualified to be President than McCain is. So why wouldn't Republicans put her on the top of the ticket?

Yes, McCain was a commander in the Military but he always had a boss over him. Please give me an example where he was the actual head of a public or private entity.




  1. All republicans are saying is that her time as governor is not something to be scoffed at (Obama)

  2. McCain does have executive experience.  He commanded an award winning naval air squadron.

  3. Like you said, he was a commander in the military.  

  4. None.

    He should put "Country First", and step aside for Gov Palin to run as President.

    Or is "Country First" just a slogan on a campaign sign?

  5. Same as Obama AND Biden.  That leaves one qualified person on ONE ticket.  

  6. 0.00

    Semper Parrot: he was 5th from the bottom at the  academy as a legacy ( affirmative action for rich white kids)

  7. so true SO TRUE.

  8. zero!  That's why he picked the cutie from Alaska.  

  9. He went to the Naval Academy and was trained to be a leader there.  His time as a Navy jet fighter pilot is a form of executive experience in that he was continually faced with making decisions based on the available information and data and his decisions affected not only himself but the welfare of others as well.

  10. Yes, Palin is the only one of the 4 who has run a large organization (say one with a $10 Billion budget that she is responsible for).  Good point.

  11. so you're finally admitting that Palin and McCain have are far more qualified than Obama.....right...?

  12. I think that is a great idea Palin/McCain works for me, she is great. I would support her for VP or President. You do know Obamas VP pick Biden stated that Obama was not qualified or experienced enough to be President.

  13. Same as Obama & Biden: none.

  14. BO and J Mac have exactly the same , NONE . but talking about it distracts people from real issues . for real change im voting Nader .

  15. None, just like Obama and Biden.  Palin is the one with executive experience.

  16. Just face the fact.  Obama doesn't belong on any ticket except a ticket to the circus.  He would make a tremendous clown.

  17. Everyone has a boss over him

    A gov, a mayor and a President all have executive experience and all work for the citizens of the city,state or country they represent

    McCains naval command is still more than anything Obama and Biden have ever run

    They have ran two things in their lives

    A senate office and their mouths

  18. EXAMPLE:  He's the SENIOR senator of Arizona.  Not a JUNIOR senator like Mr. Obama.  McCain also has 25 years of federal government experience compared to Obama who had 2 before running for office.

  19. Nothing amuses me more then the desperation they use in pushing the 'executive' issue. They think by saying that we won't notice she has only a BA in journalism?

    I find it hilarious.

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