
How many years past since Diana, the Princess of Wales passed away?

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I saw the photos of her accident and it was horrifying..

She would be 48 this year if she is still around right??

She was the most photographed princess and told as the most loved too.

I never asked anyone from England about their feelings and point of views with regards to their late princess. (May peace be upon her) and I think I want to take this opportunity now.. may I?

How did you regard her?? Did you love her and still do?

What do you think of her?

Being so far away, and only got to know her from her pictures and bibliography, I really want to know from your personal p.o.v. please.

those who are not from U.K. also welcome to share...THANKS!!!!




  1. i think it was about 10 years ago that diana was killed. she was the best royal around and no one will come up to the same standard as diana, she was one of a kind, loving, caring and very down to earth. she knew how to treat everyone from all walks of life. i seen her when i was at my senior school back in the late 1980's in a village called aldridge. she had a lovely smile that i will never forget. camilla is not a patch off diana and i dont like prince charles at all, how could he turn his back on a lovely lady like diana to go off with someone like her!!!!!

  2. As much as i think her death was a tragic accident as a person I didn't like her.

    I think she had a great way of playing to the media, which often (especially after the divorce) made the media far more sympathetic to her than to Charles.

    I think in the end she suffered the huge catch 22 in media that most celebrities get...

    They like it when they want it, they hate it when they dont.

  3. It was 10 years

    I mean, I was 8 when she died. I remember that day. I was at my friend's and we were playing this My Little Pony game for Sega Genesis.

    That game was so much fun!

    I came home and my dad was over. My parents were watching about it on the news.

    I like her.

    She did a lot of good things to the world.

  4. it's 10 yrs already

  5. 10 Years today.

  6. It's the 10th anniversary of her death, can't believe it is so long.  I think that she is as much loved now as she was in life, you only had to see the flowers left for her when she was killed.  She was a lovely, charismatic, gentle lady who Charles should have cherished, or not married if he was in love with that other woman!  I do honestly feel that the car crash was no accident, the Royal family couldn't countenance the 'ex Princess of Wales' marrying Dodi.  I just hope that after her divorce she was happy for a while.  I used to admire the Royal Family but after what happened to Princess Diana and the way she was treated I've no time for them. Having said that William and Harry are great, at least some good came out of that marriage.  Just hope that William is our next King and not Charles and please please no Queen Camilla how awful would that be.

  7. it has been 10 yrs to the day today 31st Aug 1997.

    when i first heard i was having a lift to go and work at a nursing home in morecambe at 7am in the morning and was on the car radio. I thought it was a joke at first until I saw the pictures and then I cried.

    I find that as time goes by I am no longer affected but at the time she was a significant person in the uk and was loved by millions!!

  8. It is 10 years today I think. She was a wonderful loving woman, who it seemed would do anything to help the unfortunate. She has been so sorely missed. Not just by her sons, but all the people who loved her. She was unique.

  9. yes  its  10yrs  today  and  we  did  all   love  her   .."the  peoples princess   "    sadly   missed   ..In  Ireland  England  Wales  and  Scotland  ..

    PS  ... please  note:   UK  is  4  countries    and  I'm  Scottish/British     as  in   part  of  UK  ....   as  is   England  Ireland  and  Wales ........  England  is  not   Britain   just  a  1/4  ...just  thought  would  bring  to  your  attention  maybe  your  next   Q  could  be  aimed  at   uk  honestly

  10. She died at 36 ten years ago so would be 46 now.  You didn't know her so why would her death mean anything more to you than that of any other stranger?  Grace Kelly doesn't have the same personality cult around her yet died in the same circumstances and was in some senses very similar to Diana.  I am baffled by this vicarious grief because it isn't restricted to the UK.  It's all over the world.  I suppose there are people like Diana and Elvis who become symbols for everything, life, death, tragedy, loss, wealth, fame.  I think you should let her rest in peace and let the people that loved her (and there weren't that many sadly) mourn her.

  11. Its 10 today! =]

  12. 10 years ago today. I was very shocked that morning when I heard the news.Diana was very special to most people. Myself I think,since then Camilla should hide away or both her and Charles should live abroad. I still get a lump in my throat when we see pictures of her on TV.she was the most respected royal, after the Queen,since time immemorial.RIPDiana.we still remember you.

  13. princess DIana although passed away 10 yeard back but still hasnt passed away in most resopectfull way... but one thing is for sure we learn a lot from her life... let me share u having not educated well .... she married at 19 but became a great orator and mover.... she practised what she said and

    after she was so lonely in the palace ......

    do u know just a days before her mariage she saw a bracelet prince charles bought for camela....

    she is a fortifying  lady and championed in noble task like anti land mining .. aids .... etc...i will write u more if u are interested

  14. 10 years.

    It's my view that people like to gossip and will stand by and watch rather than be of assistance. Diana didn't help herself too much on this front but then she had a very unusual place in life. Let her memory rest in peace.

  15. ciao!!!!

  16. 10 yrs today, she did a great deal of work for aids and to stop the use of land mines, I take my hat off to her, it's a pity she died she was  a shining example to people, plus a beautiful lady.

  17. 10 years. She and Dodi died on the 31st of August 1997.

  18. 10yrs

  19. 10 years today, she would have been 46

  20. 10 years today, and I think she was 36 when she died.

  21. 10 years ago. my daughter was born the same year and she was 3 months old when Diana died. I have to say I know she was a nice lady but I wasnt too upset. I didnt know her so it didnt really affect me.

  22. I agree with Mike Sanders.

    As much as her death was a tragic accident, it really didn't have any effect on my life, as I had never met her, and was unlikey to ever meet her!  

    I think, as a person, she had a positive effect on the monarchy of our country, as she made them more human.

    However, 10 years is a long time, and I really think that it's time people paid their respects, and moved on

  23. 10 years ago today

  24. Hear death 10 years ago was sad but did not affect me personally because I did not know the person only the public profile. I do not love people I do not know & incidentally, there is more to UK than England.

  25. 10 yrs today she was loved by everyone all over the world

  26. She died 10 years ago today......and was only 36, and left her 2 boys. In anyone's book that is tragic. She also had an unfaithful husband, who preferred an older uglier woman, and divorced her, If Prince Charles hadn't done all that - Diana would not have been  having a relationship with Dodi Fayed, would not have been in that car in Paris, and would not have died.........she would have been home in London with her family. I blame Prince Charles & , Camilla (Save us from QUEEN Camilla! Diana changed the face of the Royal Family, and her 2 sons have learnt so much from her...I wish so much that William would be King after our Queen dies...not thatselfish, foolish, faithless man who is their father.  Why is he going to her memorial service today anyway....he divorced her for goodness sake!!Hypocrite.

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