
How many years till everything you eat or do be illegal in the good old USA?

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How many years till everything you eat or do be illegal in the good old USA?




  1. nov, 4th 2008

  2. The time is now.

    Everything I like is either illegal, immoral, or fattening.

  3. negative the number of years GWBush has been in office.

  4. Can you be more specific??


  6. zero.  why the h**l would eating ever be illegal?

  7. 4

  8. everything i already do is illegal

  9. bush is an idiot thats all i have to say

  10. Depends on how fast the liberals can blame more food places for making us fat, gun manufacturers for pulling triggers, cars for causing wrecks, clothes for not stretching to fit those made fat by McDonalds, etc.

  11. About 6 months if Obama gets elected.

  12. 10, that's when the "wall to keep out Mexicans" will become The Wall To Keep In The Indebted Americans.

    (Go ahead and thumbs-down me, when the Chinese and Arabs foreclose on the US in 10 years because we won't be able to pay our debts, you'll see.)

  13. When the new Administratiion takes over. In which Canada's population will have tripled over night.

  14. hard to say but i think every day there is a law being passed that works against us under the guise that it will be for our benefit.

    In time we will not be allowed to eat what we want, drive when and where we want.

    The health industry will control what we eat due to the lobbying of health insurance providers.

    Welcome to the future.

  15. When you see Americans sneaking across the border into Mexico you will know!

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