
How many years were you married before you started to have problems?

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How many years were you married before you started to have problems?




  1. everyone has problems......married or not; it's how you overcome them that matters

  2. we started dating when we were seventeen, got pregnant at nineteen, married at twenty, seperated at twenty two, back together and extremely happy from twenty three until present, we are both twenty six. stuff happens at all different walks of life, it all depends on if your willing to work at it.

  3. Bump at 7 years , over now at 16 years , her lust for money and her idea that I fail at all things ....  

  4. I thanks to my husband and his loving kind ways have never had any problems with each other thank God for that.  

  5. I was married like almost 2 years, I got married rather quickly I would add - You should really get to know the person you are with,before marriage. It was still loved, but some how temptation got in the way of our love. So you have to see what your spouse is more likely to do before marrying them. I'm still married, just separated. 4 years


  7. Problems? Could you be a little more specific as to what kind of problems? Money problems? Emotional problems? Personality problems?

    I've always had problems, I simply never made my problems her problems.

  8. many couples ahbe problems.

    It is how you deal with the problems that make the difference.

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  9. Not even a year. By year one she was gone and my bank account was empty. By year two she was belly up in a townhouse with no job. Here we are at year eleven and where are we? I am here and she is belly up in a different townhouse with no job. Bi Polar Disorder makes life really hard.  

  10. My first marriage - right from the start - we had bad or no relationship skills so that one ended!

    My last (current) marriage - no problems ever!  We use relationship it!

  11. 9 years and no serious problems to speak of.  Occasional disagreements over children and money, but nothing major.

  12. Not years, but days!

    Had it not been for my son (who was on the way), I wouldn't have married her.

  13. I think it depends on the type of problem you're referring to. If it's just normal adjusting to living with another person with his/her own habits (i.e. "the toilet paper roll must always be put on coming out away from the wall, not from underneath!" or "don't you like fabric softener in your wash? -No, I like my pants all scratchy and stiff.") then that can happen in the first few months. But if you are referring to bigger problems, maybe you both need to sit down and discuss the issue that keeps cropping up. Either way, communication is the key.

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