
How many years would you do if u have stolen property in your yard but u didnt steal it whats the worst case ?

by  |  earlier

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your not on probation and they cant prove you stole it what would they charge u with

and what is the maximun time u can do




  1. if you call the police and turn it over to them as having found it i doubt anything would happen. generally the officer asks a few questions, collects the item or items and takes it back to hq

  2. Probably nothing would would depend on circumstances, like did you know of it and put it there? ...or did you just find it there?  Either case, there would be no jail time....just maybe a charge of "possession of stolen property".

  3. Possession of stolen property is a crime, even if you did not steal it, if you could have or should have known it was stolen

    How much time you get depends on what it is that is in your yard, how much it is worth and how good your lawyer is.

  4. did you know it was stolen property? if not I don't think you'd be charged. It would also depend upon "what" the stolen proerty is. you aren't specific on what it is and where you live and wether or not you knew it was stolen. too tough to answer without that info, check your states laws

  5. Its not about what time you would be doing its what you know about the actual property. You obviously are an accessory knowing that its not yours and you have a very good assumption that it is stolen property.

    Save face and report the items in your yard before someone else does where you will face stiffer penalties.

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