
How many young mums?

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how many young mums tell me your ages and how you told your parent you are pregnant thanks you




  1. okay. I'm 17 and 10 weeks pregnant. But, I am married, so my parents are very excited.

  2. I am 17.

    I am not married, but I am in a relationship.

    I sat down with my mom and I said, "Mom you're going to be mad at me."

    She asked why.

    I said, "I'm pregnant."

    She was quiet, and after 10 seconds she gave me options.

    She is very excited now!

    && so are my boyfriend and I. =]

  3. i was 17 when i had my first but i was also married

  4. Im 16 and 25 weeks pregnant

    and not told my mum yet

    dont no how to  
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