
How may of you waited?

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What age did you concieve your first child?

Did you have an education?

Were you in a career?

Did you have your own house?

Did you have money put aside?

Were you married?

The reason i am asking is because i want to see how may of you are in the same situation as i am, it will be interesting to see.




  1. 22

    Yes to ND

    Self Employed




  2. im 17 and 31weeks pregnant

    i have a education

    fin college

    dont have my own house as i live at home

    i do have money

    not with the babys father.

  3. 25

    only to GCE

    No - worked in a shop - retrained later




  4. 18




    certainly not


    would i do it the same way....oh yes!!!

  5. I was 30 when he was born; husband and I had been married for two years.

    I had two degrees, and was working full time. We agreed to me being a SAHM, and it's been wonderful.

    We are renters, can't afford a home. But we're in a big duplex, decent rent, excellent area of a city (lucky!).

  6. I was 20

    Educated to GCSE level

    Estate Agency

    Rented house

    No Money Saved

    Not married

    only regret is that i wish i had a little money saved

  7. 28

    Yes - A levels but dropped out of uni. Started nursing training at age 23

    I was a nurse

    Had a council flat


    Yes - my hubby was a student

    We are still married and now have 6 children. We live within our means, we are not in debt and our mortgage will be paid off in 4 years.  

  8. Hi!

    Ok heres my stats!:

    1-First child concieved at 22yrs old

    2-I have an education, secondary school and a few after school courses completed.

    3-I started a new job as office mamager in March 2008-was 3 weeks pregnant then and didnt know!

    4-Dont own my own house, in rented house.

    5-No money put aside :(

    6-Not married but in  long term relationship.

    Hope this helps!x

  9. 21

    Yes, some college.

    No, I found out I was pregnant a couple of days after I was fired wrongly from a place. Thats a long long story.

    Yes, we had just purchased our home. We had to completely gut it and redo everything. I was laying tile in the bathroom with a week left before my son was born.



  10. 33 years old when i concieve my first child.


    no career

    yes my home is paid for before i had my son.

    yes we had some money put aside.

    yes i was married and still married.


  11. 30

    Yes - to masters degree level

    Yes in IT




  12. I was 24 when I conceived my son, so I did have an education and sort of a career (I worked!). We didn't own our own house but were married, and no money put aside (big regret!).

  13. I was 28 in a full time career as a nurse,owned own house with some savings and  married

  14. 29 - i conceived twice but also miscarried twice - so no child yet






  15. 30

    of sorts (9 GCSE's)

    Pub management



    NO still unmarried but 4 kids together.

  16. I was 29. I had a degree, a career, had travelled the world, and I was married. We didn't have our own place because we were moving from NZ to the UK at the time, but we had our own place by the time the baby was born. We didn't have money put aside.

  17. I'm 34, married 11 yrs, never wanted kids, had hysterectomy @ 28yo. Part of the reason we are still married is we DIDN'T have kids-puts serious strain on relationship.  

  18. I was 20 when I conceived and 21 when I gave birth

    I gained 8 GCSE's, food hygiene, first aid

    I was working in a nursing home and sadly got layed off when i was pregnant

    No. I lived with my mum.

    I had a little bit but not much (About £100)

    No. I was and still am engaged

  19. 1) 23

    2) Nothing third level, few additional courses after secondary school though.

    3) Not a career, but a just above the minimum wage job, thankfully my employers have given me lots of support and I returned on a part time basis when she turned six months

    4) No, rented accommodation only I'm afraid.

    5) I did have money put aside, I had started saving for a mortgage, it went on baby stuff, it wasn't a lot, only a few thousand.  None of it left now though.

    6) Not only not married, but when I was pregnant her Daddy was no where to be seen, he has come out of the woodwork since her birth though, he sees her for a couple of hours a week and to be honest it's a major relief for me, even if all I do is go and get the weeks groceries.  We're not in a relationship now either.

  20. 17- UNPLANNED

    to gcse and some further training within my work

    yes sort of (pharmaceuticals)

    no unfortunately

    yes  but not for these reasons

    no but had been with my partner for 4, still together after 7.
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