
How may times will Bill O'Reilly interrupt Barack Obama tonight o his show?

by Guest66995  |  earlier

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i say about 20 u




  1. it'll probably be over before he answers specifically.  I love kobe too!

  2. That all depends on Obama!!! If Obama dodges the questions, gives misinfomation and so fourth than O'Reilly will stop him. Remember it's Bill o'Reilly's show so he can do whatever he wants!!!

  3. As many times as Obama tries to dodge a tough question!!!  Your guess is good, I think more like 30-40, though...Obama will spend each minute dancing around the tough questions, Bill will interrupt, Obama will dance, so Bill have to interrupt again, and then Obama will try to sit on the fence with his answer.  Classic Obama rhetoric!!!

  4. I expect there will be a bunch of interruptions. Whenever someone isn't making sense, O'Reilly interrupts to clarify. Like I said, I expect it to happen a lot.

  5. So Barack will attempt 20 spins, then?

  6. Probably not.  It'll take Slowbama 10 minutes to answer one question with all his stuttering.

  7. from the previews he is wimping out on asking the hard questions.   i though he would wimp when i heard about the interview.     in my books oreilly is turning into a real liberal        

  8. At least 20. O'liely like his contemporaries at the Fox Lie Network never interview democrats. They ambush them.

  9. with no teleprompter, it might be difficult to tell if he is done speaking, with all his stuttering, stammering, lying, question dodging bs

  10. I say that Obama says "uh" at least 4,000 times.  

  11. Quite possibly true, 15 to 20

  12. Beyond breaking for commercial maybe 5, so that would make it 10 total. The joke going around is people should just let Obama and Biden speak.  Obama speaks very poorly in front of an audience and without a teleprompter.  O'Reilly should just let him try and speak.

  13. 20 * 3


  14. As many times it will needed to push Obama to give straight answer, not the speech.

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