
How mcuh is it to adopt from either Australia, Cambodia, India, or Puerto Rico?

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How mcuh is it to adopt from either Australia, Cambodia, India, or Puerto Rico?




  1. Look into adoption agencies.  Many times ones in the states handle adoptions from third world and developing countries.

  2. Australia is NOT a 3rd world country...there are far far less babies available for adoption here than in the states.

  3. its not prices that matters its the child you adopt im sure you will love any child you get if it has disibilities , or has a different nationality. if you are planing on not telling it your its fake parent get a child that has the same skin tone as you

  4. Only certain countries allow their children to be adopted internationally. Australia and Puerto Rico do not, and Cambodia adoptions are currently closed due to issues of corruption.

    You can adopt from India, but because they try harf to find homes in India first, the children are at least over 2 years old at time of placement. Many international adoptions are in the range of $18,000-$25,000 and can vary with agency. Both of our Korean adoptions were about $19,000 total (each)Ethiopia and Liberia have lower fees, and I've heard that Russian and Guatemalan adoptions can be much more costly.

    Remember there's an $11,000 adoption tax credit you'll recieve after the adoption is final. Here's a link to a list of countries along with adoption requirements, and it will tell you if the country is now closed for adoptions. For fees you'll need to go to agency websites of contact them for specific costs.

  5. You think you can adopt an Australian child???????

    (I'm presuming you mean an Aboriginal)

    Let me tell you something, you have more chance of winning the lottery every week for the rest of your life.

    Australians would never allow it

  6. You will have NO chance of adopting a baby in Australia, there are none to adopt. And the process over here is very extensive and there is a huge waiting list for Australians who will get the babies first.

    more often than not the children that are adopted live in the home as a foster child for a period first to make sure the birth parents really can't raise the child

  7. $9.95

  8. I found this link for Australia that looks like it has some decent info to start you off:

    Here's a listing of some agencies with Cambodian programs:

    Look at the agency websites to get a feel for the fees.

    Here's the same thing for India:

    Again, go to the agency websites and find the fee schedule.

    And, Puerto Rico is here:

    (just select Puerto Rico as the country & it'll list the agencies)

    To get an overall feel for the requirements and processes for adopting from various countries, you can go to the State Department's website at:

    and select the countries you're interested in.

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