
How messed up will this get me???

by  |  earlier

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ok im 15 years old, im having a 11.2 oz smirnoff ice, this will be my first alcholic beverage ever, how messed up will i get?




  1. That's cute, but it'll take at least 2 or 3 full bottles of Smirnoff Ice before you feel a buzz.

  2. only one way to find out!!  

  3. you won't even get a slight buzz.

    sorry, babe.

  4. umm well since you never have had alcohol you probably will get tipsy.

    your body has no tolerance! so drink responsible.  

  5. u shouldn't drink. I'm a year older then you and if i wanted to i can but i totally choose not too. So don't  

  6. depends on your weight...if your little and havent eaten and never drank..pretty messed up..but if you're bigger and have eatten and drink..not really...but ur 15.

    you shouldn't be drinking.

  7. you will be so drunk you have no idea where you are and vomiting everywhere. and you cant walk. dont drink it!

  8. there's a good chance you will develop cancer from drinking it.

    in short, don't do it or your balls will fall off.

  9. Wow. You're an idiot. No offense.

    (Note - I say that you're an idiot because you're drinking illegally and want to know how it'll affect you. Here's a tip: if you don't even know the results of drinking alcohol, you probably shouldn't be doing it.)

    (Second note - How is this a lesson?? Maybe she wants you to experience alcohol now so you'll dislike it, and not want to go crazy with it in high school...? Either way, sounds like a pretty poor 'lesson.')

  10. buzzed.  not wasted though.  but don't do it.  wait until you are 21.  And around some friends who have drank before.  You may not react to it the way others do.  So make sure you have someone to watch you and make sure you don't get sick.

  11. Smirnoff Ice is a Malt beverage, which is basically a clear beer. It has no vodka in it and is about as potent as a regular beer. To drink one will probably do nothing. Which may lead you to drink more.

    Underage Drinking is againist the Law and will cause you more grief then fun. It's not worth it.

  12. u might suck ur own weiner.

  13. if you drink the whole thing You are an alcoholic.  

  14. You won't get messed up. You may feel a little bit of a buzz but thats it.

  15. Well, shouldn't be drinking at 15, but if you have just one you shouldn't have a problem.  It wont get you "messed up" but it's not a great idea to start getting the hang of drinking at such youg age, its gonna kill the exitement for when you're legal =O)

  16. I would not be drinking at your age as alcohol affects everybody differently, my mate got alcohol poisoning first time - maybe have a drink supervised by your parents. Getting wrecked is NOT FUN! you will regret it later.  

  17. Put your hands behind your back -- you're under arrest.

  18. Your life is a toilet paper.

    Someone just whipped his butt with you

    Your swirling down the toilet.

    Good luck.

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