
How might a citizen from the united states fulfill his civic duty to his neighbors and family?

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How might a citizen from the united states fulfill his civic duty to his neighbors and family?




  1. As a believer in individual liberty and proponent of freedom of choice I don't believe citizens of the US have any civic duties other than those they choose to freely accept and perform.

  2. Voting and Jury Duty.  Be informed before you do either.

  3. the Army and Marines need people right now.after 4 or 5 years,you will be entitled to full citizenship...go for it..

  4. By being an informed citizen.  If you watch the news, keep up with what's going on around you, and then, take a deep breath, and jump right in!  Get involved!  Get going!  Have some fun!  And don't forget to go out and vote in every election!  Each one matters, not just the presidential ones!

  5. There are too many ways to count. The interpretations can be pretty loose as you will see...

    Something as simple as picking up roadside trash or maybe being a neighborhood watch volunteer would help in fulfilling civic duty.

    If the person looking to fulfill their civic duty is due to a court sentence, it would be wise to find out their interpretation to avoid future problems...

  6. I avoid them at all cost and that is doing them a great service.

  7. 1)  Work hard, provide for your family and do not expect the government to tax your neighbors to give to you.  Be as productive as you can, this helps all of society.

    2)  Raise your children with respect & honor.   Stay married, provide a stable household for your children.  Provide moral guidance to your family.  

    3)  Educate your children.  Talk with them about issues.  Make sure you understand what they are being taught in school and confront schools on issues that go against what you feel your children should be learning, switch schools or home school.  Be sure you are guiding your children and not leaving it up to others.

    4)  Be involved in the political process.  Understand government and how it works & how it SHOULD work.  Get involved in local politics.  Run for office.  Know the candidates you are voting for and what they stand for.  Take action when you see an injustice.

  8. I recommend a combat tour with a military unit then college and hard work..anything else is  a waste of your birthright

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