
How might one exterminate Black Widow spiders from a large outdoor area?

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I seem to have a minor infestation going on in an area about 400 yards by 400 yards. Never seen them before, now I find like one a day. Is there any available insecticide that I can spray around to alleviate problem? Or am I reduced to killing them one-by-one?




  1. they dont resist pesticed  so get your self a sprayer and fumigate the area

  2. First of all, black widow spiders are very reclusive insects preferring cavities such as under hose pots or inside unused watering cans.  Their bite is not nearly as poisonous as some believe though I don't want one biting me either.  It makes no sense to use insecticide over a large area as that will destroy all the beneficial insects also.  So when you find one, if you feel that you must  kill it, just crush it or spray it with something like Raid.  In general, they won't mess with you if you don't mess with them.

  3. I agree, you don't want to spray insecticide over that large an outdoor area.  Not only will you kill all the good bugs, but the residue will be on everything and that may be worse for the public.  If they are truly black widows of adult size you must have a large insect population for them to survive.  You should be able to locate most of them by searching for their unique webs.  Few webs are as strong as black widows.  If the web is not nearly as strong as thin thread it isn't a black widow.  You can then kill each by what ever method you choose.  I just mix soap and water and spray them.  It is not harmful to other critters unless they are directly sprayed and it is not harmful to people.  The soap and water mixture can also be used for other insects.  I mix 3-4 tablespoons of dish soap in a pint spray bottle.  The spiders will die in 3-5 minutes.

    If they are small sized black widows they are likely a newly hatched batch (100 per nest or more) and most will die on their own or leave for more productive area.  Look for a white ball of web material the mother may have started another batch already.  Soak those balls with soap.

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