
How might the Indus Valley civilization at Mohenjo-Daro and the civilization at Harappa have been influenced?

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by the Mesopotamian city-states and empires?




  1. Artifacts indigenous to modern-day Pakistan & Afghanistan, such as Lapis Lazuli, were found in Mesopotamia, and as far away as Egypt...

    This indicates that sea-trade was likely a common practice, bridging the appx. 800-mile distance between the two civilizations, which also would indicate the engineering of sophisticated ocean sailing vessels, during the period, 3300-1500 BCE, when both civilizations thrived...

  2. Duh.....I don't know.

  3. They listened mainly to Led Zeppelin but also had influence from alot of avant-garde jazz artists such as Mucolo Isanguio . Thrash metal and glam rock left them cold .

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