
How might you explain why those continents fit quite well but not perfectly?

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(this question sort of involves the Pangaea theory. my question is asking why the continents fit well but not perfectly)




  1. After 128 million years of mountain building in some spots and erosion in other spots there is some wear and tear so they do not fit exactly.

  2. The fit is much better when you consider the edges to be fit are  really at the edges of the continental shelves of the continents. The present shorelines are not the same as the shorelines when the continents started to split.

  3. Nothing is perfect in geology. The contient panagaea was already a single landmass when it split apart, India slammed into EurAsia to create the Himalyas and the rest of Asia, Africa and South America, and North America, and Europe split, as evidence you can see that the Application Mts. were once on the edge of N.A. The very tip of Brazil in S.A., along the north western tip of Africa and very few in Europe. When Africa pulled away from Europe it open and created the Meditterean Sea. While Africa was pulling away Australia and India seperated and went seperate ways. When Europe tried to seperate from Asia, India rammed into it Asia so then Asia rammed into Europe and created the Ural Mountains on the border of Russia. You can tell that Europe and Asia were trying to seperate do the fact Caspain Sea, Kara Sea.

    When I mean ramming, is that during the contient seperation the world was litterally in chaos, constant volcanic eruptions,  earthquakes, no day was the same the next. By ramming I mean. When Europe tried to seperate from Asia, due to multiple lakes in the area, India was coming from South and when it hit into Asia it formed mountains and mountains create connections with Contients, and since Europe would be pushing at that time to try to pull away from Asia, and Asia would be pulling then suddenly Asia pushed and with both pushing mountains created to unify them. When I was an undergraduate I had to picture Contients as people, contients were like tug-a-war. To be able to understand for me when one is pulling and pushing is tugging. then when one suddenly pushing insteading of pulling the two will collide.

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