
How mnay queen elizabeths have there been?

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how many queens of england have there been since queen elizabeth 1?




  1. Two Queen Elizabeths have reigned over England:  Elizabeth I, or Elizabeth of the House of Tudor (r. 1558-1603), and Elizabeth II, or Elizabeth Alexandra Mary of the House of Windsor (r. 1953- ).  However, only one Elizabeth has reigned over Scotland, Elizabeth Windsor, since the personal union of the English and Scottish crowns did not take place until after Elizabeth Tudor's death when James I (or James VI in Scotland) ascended the throne.  Lady Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes Lyon was the Queen Consort of George VI, the current Queen's father.

    Since Elizabeth Tudor was Queen of England, four queens have reigned over Britain: the House of Stuart's Mary II (of William and Mary; reigned jointly with William of Orange 1689-1694) and Anne (r. 1702-1714); Alexandrina Victoria, the last monarch of the House of Hanover, who went by her middle name (r 1837-1901), and Elizabeth of the House of Windsor.

  2. Two, the present queen and her mother.

  3. Our present Queen is Queen Elizabeth ll, so there have only been two Queen Elizabeths in the UK


    1) Queen Elizabeth I - Queen Regnant of England

    2) Queen Elizabeth II - Current Queen Regnant of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

    3) Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother - Queen Consort of George VI and mother of the current Queen

    4) Elizabeth Woodville - Queen Consort of Edward IV

    5) Elizabeth of York - Queen Consrot of Henry VII


    1) Elizabeth I of Russia, Empress of Russia

    2) Elizabeth Alexeyevna (Louise of Baden), Empress Consort of Alexander I of Russia


    1) Elizabeth of Aragon, Queen Consort of Denis of Portugal

    2) Elisabeth of Austria, Queen Consort of Casimir IV of Poland

    3) Elisabeth of Bohemia, Queen Consort of Albert von Habsburg

    4) Elisabeth of Bohemia, Queen Consort of John of Luxemburg

    5) Elisabeth of Bavaria, Empress Consort of Franz Joseph I of Austria

    6) Elisabeth of Belgium, Queen Consort of Albert I of Belgium

    7) Elisabeth of Bosnia, Queen Consort of Louis I of Hungary

    8) Elisabeth of Poznan, Queen Consort of Wenceslaus II of Poland

    9) Elisabeth of Romania, Queen Consort of George II of Greece

    10) Elisabeth of Wied, Queen Consort of Carol I of Romania

    11) Elisabeth of Portugal, Empress Consort of Charles V of Holy Roman Emperor

    12) Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, Empress Consort of Charles VI of Holy Roman Empire

  5. There have been two Queen Elizabeths.  

    ---The first was Queen Elizabeth I whose royal house was the House of Tudor.  She ruled from November 17, 1558 to March 24, 1603.  

    ---The second was Queen Elizabeth II whose royal house is the House of Windsor.  She is the current reigning monarch of the Commonwealth and its realms.  Her reign has been from Feb 6, 1952 to the present day.

    There have been 4 queens since Elizabeth I ruled.

    1) Mary II-House of Stuart.  Her reign was from February 13, 1689 until her death (from smallpox) on December 28,1694.

    2) Anne-House of Stuart.  Her reign was from March 8, 1702 to August 1, 1714 when she died from a severe case of gout.

    3) Victoria-House of Hanover.  She reigned from May 1, 1876 to Jan 22, 1901 when she passed away from some hemorrhage of some type. **She is the longest living monarch to date**

    4) Elizabeth II- House of Windsor.  Her reign is from February 6, 1952 to present day.

  6. Elizabeth I was the Queen of England from November 17, 1558 until she died in 1603. She has also been called The Virgin Queen or Good Queen Bess.

    Elizabeth II is the current Queen Regent of the United Kingdom and the Queen of sixteen countries around the world since February 1952.

  7. There have been 2 Queen Elizabeths of England.

    But only 1 Queen Elizabeth of Scotland.

    The current Monarch's correct tile is Elizabeth, Queen of the United Kingdoms of England, Scotland, Nothern Ireland and the Commonwealth, Defender of The Faith.

    She is NOT Elizabeth II of Great Britain. Only Elizabeth II of England.

  8. They have been two Elizabeths who were/are Queen in thier own right- Elizabeth the First who was the daughter of Henry the Eighth and Anne Boleyn, and the current queen. There have been many Queen Consorts named Elizabeth.

  9. Only two queen elizabeths. There have been five queens of england, including elizabeth I. They are Mary II, Anne I, Victoria I, and Elizabeth II.

  10. In England, their has been one other monarch with the name Elizabeth.  Queen Elizabeth II is the current monarch of the United Kingdom and the second Queen Elizabeth.  She was affectionately known as "lillybet" as a young child.

  11. Two, of Great Britain.

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