
How money pirahnas can i put in a 75 gallon tank ???

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how many piranhnas can i put in a 75 gallon tank ?? i already got a sucker fish who's huge




  1. I would think your sucker fish would get eaten if in the same tank.  

  2. I had just one pirahna in my 75 gallon tank, but he grew up from the size of a quarter with no other pirahnas or tankmates.  Keep in mind they will ruin each others fins and you'll have ragged looking piranahs sometimes, and even if your pleco is bigger than them, they can also chew on his fins too.  

    Piranaha's are kind of a species only tank.  I'd suggest 3 max.  Mine got roughly the size of your open hand.  Plus, they are messy, so expect MANY water changes to keep the tank healthy.

  3. they are right these fish are messy and water changes will be more frequent. I believe that piranhas are a schooling fish and need to be in groups. I would go for 6 and let them grow. I had 3 in a 40 gal. tank for years. about 10 years to be exact but like most people that finally realize how messy they are I sent them to a friend that had much more room for them. they were between 8 and 10 inches each at that time. remove the sucker he will not survive. good luck

  4. If your asking about red bellies then you need 29 gallons per fish.

    If you want to you can go as many as 3 fish in a 75 but weekly water changes and a good filter are a must.

    The sucker fish will not last long over time they will eat it..

    There is no fish you can keep with piranha in a home tank they will be food at some time.

    also if you can keep them long enough you'll end up with just one piranha anyway that's just the way it works.  

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