
How move does one get on child support. my friend who recently passed, has left the kids, with me.?

by Guest59968  |  earlier

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they are not my kid's. should i track the father, he is my father, only prob is, last i heard he was abroad working in asia somewhere. do i need a solicitor. should i forget about other thing's until, i sort this mess out. there is not the kids, the house needs to be sold, so do the cars, her business. she had her own beauty saloon. should i think about seeking help for myself, because as well as, grieving i have duties i need to attend to, which is making the healing process more agonising. does deaf getting easier to deal with as you get older. i am only 28 and i've just lost someone who i had a twenty year relationship with. does this sound normal "i couldn't really careless about over matters right now, nothing else seems to be important. does that sound normal.




  1. About 17.70 GBP, in the UK. Dunno about the States.

    Of course track the father. No-one loves kids like their parents. It's called the parenal instinct; and no-one has it before they become a parent. I'm a dad and I find it hard to explain the depth of feeling and love I have for my daughter; it's *very* deep.

  2. Firstly,get yourself a solicitor to see where you stand with the children.Their needs are the most important at the moment.

    Is there no-one else who could sort out the selling of the house,business and other property for you?

    At the present time you'll not have any time to grieve if you don't get some help.

    The phone number for Child Benefits is 08453021444.Give them a ring,and they should be able to sort you out.

  3. Contact  your nearest Citizens Advice Bureau. The web-link below can show you where the nearest is, if you type in your postcode.

  4. ~I don't understand what you're talking about. Learn english to post questions in here. ~

  5. i understand what you mean; you have a lot going on right now, so maybe you should settle some matters (to help clear your plate) and then address the issue of child support.

    seems to me, you are handling this very well for someone whom has had so much pushed on them at once.

    deep breath. do what you have to right now to survive this extremely stressful time. then figure out if you wish to take the time to hunt him down. in my opinion, he should help pay to raise his children.

    1) contact your local legal aid office. they are in all states and most counties. they go on a sliding scale, so its free to most. look in your phone book or call your county court clerk and ask if they have the number. if no luck, contact your state's bar assoc for it.

    2) go to court and file pro se to get the court order in place. the forms are easy to fill out and they are helpful if you get stuck.

    3) to find him; ask any other relitives where he is (to send him a copy of the obit or letter, etc). they may tell you they may try and aid him in his hiding. google him, or hire a PI.

    i know i would not stop until i found him and had him served w/papers. he should help.

    here are some links for you; one is a calculator for CS. just click on your state, fill in the fields to see what his payments would be. the others are for any other questions you may have (just click on your state). and the last few, are to help.

    i would hope my children would step up to the plate the way you have (to keep the family together) and raise the younger ones in the event something happened to me.  

    i am truly impressed. pat yourself on the back. stay strong, they depend on your strength.

    mom of 4

  6. Call family services in your area, and/or a good lawyer.  You have to take care of yourself and get some help to deal with everything else.  These children are your siblings then?  Don't waste time, make phone calls and get help a.s.a.p.

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