
How much C02 exists in the atmosphere and what level do we need to get to to reverse global warming?

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C02 level in PPM




  1. The current level is estimated at something like 380ppm. Reducing it isn't really a viable option and without removal it has an atmospheric residence time of about 30,000 years. Planting trees (and not cutting down current ones) will help but won't solve the problem.

    There are other suggestions people have made which would induce a cooling trend. One is seeding the oceans with iron to encourage plankton blooms to form, producing DMS which acts as a global coolant, another is to put Sulphur dioxide directly into the atmosphere. Both of these act as condensation nuclei, producing clouds which then reduce the amount of solar radiation reaching earth in the first place. There are also inherent problems with those though, ocean anoxia and acid rain come to mind.

  2. Plant trees

  3. You've been drinking too much of the Gore kool-aid. Global warming is a natural phenomenon, mostly associated with the sun spot cycle and other cycles of the sun. While it is true that the earth has warmed recently, so has Mars and I do no think we've got any fossil fuel burning vehicles roaming about there.

    Human production of CO2 is about 2% of the total CO2 level found in the atmosphere. I find it incredible to believe the drek people ar producing suggesting that this is going to lead to the end of the world. Consider who's being benefitted by the hysteria forming around the global wamring myth and become an individually imformed person.

    BTW, water vapor, methane and other gases are far stronger potential contributors to any possible global warming effect.

    The hysterical reaction to the CO2 level increase misses the causality analysis. I find the earths time-temperature curves look very much like the earths population curve. Perhaps the solution thus should be inferred to be to eliminate people? We could start with China and India as they comprise far more people that does the western world? Maybe we should eliminate all Latin American births as they have far more children than does anyone else in the world?

    You get my point I hope, the "henny-penny" message is constructed from someones political perspecitve and has little to do with truth or reality.


  4. Reverse global warming? Global Cooling...

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