
How much Cantonese should I learn before studying abroad in Hong Kong?

by Guest33646  |  earlier

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Hi, I have been taking Mandarin for 2 semesters at college. Next semester I am going to study abroad in Hong Kong, where Cantonese is predominantly spoken. I don't really want to give up learning Mandarin just because I'm going to Hong Kong for a semester, but I think that knowing some would be really useful.

How much Cantonese should I learn before going? For example, what sorts of phrases should I learn? (How much is this/that, hello, how are you, etc etc)

Or is a year of Mandarin study sufficient to get by in Hong Kong? Are there many businesses or people in Hong Kong that speak Mandarin? I have been told that policemen will all speak Mandarin, or at least understand it.

Thanks in advance!




  1. Everybody in

    Hong Kong know's

    madrin !!

    its basically china's

    number one known

    language !

    don't worry -

    i've been there

    plus i know cantonese

    and mandrin

    if you do want to learn

    cantonese -

    i think you should learn -


    how are you

    how much is that / this

    thank you

    your welcome


    & other polite sayings

    you don't have to learn

    food items -

    just point and they'll know !

    if ur unsure-

    just learn the basics -







    madrarin is slightly

    different than cantonese

    some words sound the

    same and mean the say

    thing ! so you could pick up

    a couple of words.

    i think you'll do just fine !

    every body know's madarin.

    they just perfer / speak cantonese .

    but if you are just worried

    just learn the stuff above ^^

    good luck !


  2. just know basic/conversational canto and chinese would be fine. I'm pretty sure their are english speakers there because of the british rule. If you're not chinese but speak mando/canto, they'd be impressed....

    basic stuff

    how are you- "nei ho"

    goodbye-"joy kin"

    hello- just hi or hello

    how much(money)-"g*y duo cheen"

    do you have__-"ching mun nay you mo_____"

    how to get to___-"ching mun____dim h*i"

    yep... any more phrases you need to know just ask

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