
How much Garbage will be generated by the Earth Day festivites?

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How much Garbage will be generated by the Earth Day festivites?




  1. Good question!  Probably alot.  More than will fit in Ed Begley's glove compartment.

  2. Enough to make it necessary to have many more "earth days".

    Actually, it doesn't matter because after all it's the intentions, not the results that counts.

    Didn't you get the memo?

  3. Don't know, though hopefully that in the spirit of Earth Day, people will be conscience of the fact that throwing away a bunch of garbage doesn't help and they recycle.

  4. I dont know, but I love the ironic tone of the question.  It would probably be enough to generate 12 tons of fuel.  Do you think the organizers will take advantage of such a tremendous opportunity?

  5. More than the organizeres will wver admit to. I've heard that after Earth Day celebrations in Atlanta the cleanup has taken hours and the celebrants leave garbage alll over the ground.

  6. None. Only compost will be generated.

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