
How much I am likely to receive in benefits?

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I am single and expecting my first child in Jan 2009. I will return to work in June 2009. I will be working 30 hours/week and earning about £12000 before deductions. I will be living with my parents. I will be paying about 85.00/week for childcare. Can anyone give me any idea as to what I will receive in Child and Working Tax credit?

My taxable income 2008-2009 will be about £7000. Thanks R.A.B




  1. you will get 18.80 child benefit per week

    You will get around 60 per week for child and working tax credit (based on earnings of 12K) and around 40 pounds paid to your approved child care provider

    work it out on line at  use this calc as Entitkled to .com is always wrong)

  2. You can check what benefits and tax credits you are entitled to at the site below.  The company supply software for calculating these things to councils and such so it is accurate, also the on line calculator is anonymous.

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