
How much I can save in Dubai ?

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I am joining a ( Indian ) constraction co in Dubai on an initial salary of AED 5000 plus conveyance.Cost of travel & visa born by company (Generally visa & travel expenses are borned by company or employee ) I want to know how much I can save per month ? I am told that accomodation will cost AED 1000 and food ( Veg ) will cost AED 800. Is it possible to save as much as AED 3000 pm ?




  1. Yea! ballz! i was born here and hav been livin in this deep **** since then.. and believe me, u can't save no'ain if u dont hav a good salary.. and it all depends on how u spend ur money.. ur livin lifestyle.. a better lifestyle means less or no savings.. .dubai is costly.. and the govt. does not give any shitt to it's citizens which are lyk 80% asian.. (Indians, pakistanis, sri-lankans, nepalese, and people frm egypt etc.. ) the arabs worship white people as if they were GODS :@:@ ... forget abt dubai.. betta go to New Zeland.. atleast they giv u a citizenship.. .

  2. Dear Friend

    As per me 5000 AED, is too tight to live in dubai. You can make a living, but i am worried if u can save some out of it.

    Please take my words

    1. For a relatively good place you have to pay 1500 AED at present. For 1000 AED you have to share a single room with atleast 4 others.

    2. If you eat good food, pls keep 1000 aed for food. You cannot live on bread everyday. You need to include morning breakfast, fruits and etc.

    3.Other expenses including smoking, internet, calls to home country, and personal needs, you need to allocate 800-1000.

    At present am working in dubai.

    I do not know your qualification, if u r a engineer with some exp, please negotiate and join. As per me around 7000 is good, so that you can live good and at the same time you can save some.

    I find no point working in dubai if we do not save atleast 3-5Kaed a month.

    This is my way of looking at it. Feel free to cantact me for more info.

  3. Hemant Dear first of all it depends on how lavishly you live here in Dubai and what are ur expenses b'cose Dubai is a city where a person can save from 5K Dhs/- and can also spend 5K Dhs in a week. I am not discouraging you but the fact is cost of living in Dubai is really very costly b'cose accommodation rising every year.

    I think you can get a bed space or may be a studio flat in 1000 dhs/- . but reg veg food 500/- dhs is sufficient for a single person.

    You said company is going to pay ur accommodation and transport but what about some other expenses , as you have not mentioned whether ur company is going to pay or you have to pay from ur pocket -----

    1) health expenses as private hospitals are very very expensive

    2) electric ,telephone,Internet and water bills

    3) toll tax known as salik here

    4) air fare becose generally everybody get air fair every 2 years here.

    there are many other small small expenses which you will com to know after coming here.

    I would suggest do sign a contract after having a healthy discussion with your sponsor.Gd Luck

    You'r free to ask any query reg dubai i'll be happy to answer.

  4. YU can save a hefty sum

    have a happy carrer ahead!

  5. a lot it quite cheap there

  6. Your savings will depend on your expenses plus other factors. I have one question to ask? Don't you have a family to send remitances in your country? Let say you're receiving a salary of 5k, your accomodation (bedspacer) 1k and your food of 800 (i think too much, food is cheap here). how about your transportation? company provided or not? so there are lots of things to consider, i think its better to check your agreement first with your employer plus these other factor, then you can figure it out.

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