
How much MONEY do you think i will need for two weeks in Munich?

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forget about planes and hotel, i got that cover




  1. As much as i remember Munich is pretty expensive! Clothes, Restaurants etc... But i can't tell tell you how much money you will need, since i don't know what your interested in doing there...

  2. Same an in a big US city, but probably more as

    a) Munich is the most expensive city in Germany and

    b) the US Dollar is very weak compared to the Euro at the moment.

    I am German and was in California (L.A., San Diego) recently and the costs for food and drink were less than in Germany.

    For a comparison that always works: a BigMac meal is around 5-6 Euros. ;-)

  3. oh, it's not that bad...unless you like beer a lot.  then you need tons of euros.  of course, if you didn't like beer, then why in the world would you go to munich?  oh, and try to do 'mikes bike tour.'  best way to see munich!

  4. For two weeks you should consider the exchange rate right now which is .68 cents to the dollar. You will need about $1.42 to get a Euro. If you can clarify what type of food you are willing to eat while in Munich it might make it easier to tell you how much money you might need. Also, is it one person or two people traveling. Keep an eye on the exchange rate, and think about food choices. Are you willing to eat schnitznels and fast food?

  5. U need alot of money if u want to enjoy munich!!!!

  6. alot...about 5000 bucks its the most expensive city in germany

  7. Munich is more expensive than other German cities, but if you are from the USA you might find it not that expensive at all. I think going out to lunch and dinner is way cheaper in Munich than an average restaurant in the USA.

    I personally would probably figure in at least a $100 dollars / day.  (breakfast, lunch, dinner, treats, drinks)

  8. My last trip to Munich I spent about $2,500 total on myself in a week, not including travel and accomidations. You definitely want to have at least $1,000 - $1,200 a person per week if you want to fully enjoy the sights dining, and shopping Munich has to offer.(Remember: about every dollar and a half is equal to one euro at current exchange rates) Also, make sure you have a good quality camera to capture the culture and seasonal festivities they will have going on. Get ready for a long flight, and Have A Great Trip!

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