
How much Money Is there in circulation in america right now?

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What I mean is how many dollars has the federal reserve printed that are currently in circulation money that belongs to someone or that is in the bank or invested?

easy to know huh?




  1. Around $822.78 billions printed (net obsolete)

    Around $766 billions in circulation.

    But regarding this "How many invested" - it's more question of multiplier effect and many other factors. It's better to calculate total wealth if US (at least domestically) and dollars in this case will be unit of account for calculation. Total assets of US will be many times higher than figures above.

  2. The Fed recently stopped publishing this figure to mask thier activity in this area. While it may be possible to track paper money, it would be nearly impossible to track "electronic money" figures.

    The Fed just had to create $600 million dollars in order to keep Bear Stears afloat. Guess what, that inflates the supply of money in circulation to just short of 1% on deal alone.

    And we believe that we are getting realistic inflation numbers from our government agencies?


    I think a more appropriate question, and the only one that could ever be known, is "how many dollars exist in this world?"

    Remember, our real deficit is AT LEAST $50 TRILLION.

    But do those dollars really exist, or will they ever?

  3. If the fed still reported M3, I could tell you. But they've axed M3 and only report M2.

    Release Date: June 12, 2008

    M2 - Seasonally adjusted

    May 2008


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