
How much TV do you watch a day?

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im a film only sometimes catch news




  1. umm depends on the day probably about 2 -3 hours

  2. An hour or two after dinner mostly.  Unless you count the endless repeats of 'Jungle Book', 'Cars' and, you guessed it, 'The Clangers' that my 2 yo insists on ;o)

  3. About 1 hour a week. Went 8 years without a TV.

  4. about 30 mins a day. news only

  5. about 1 hour.

  6. I do an average of 1 hr a day... week days. On weekends, I tend to do average of 4 hrs.

    I catch all my Breaking News via Yahoo on my Mobile. If you regard this as "TV" then I will say I do an average of 4 hrs on a week day and 5 on a weekend.

  7. One to two hours

  8. I mostly listen to TV news while I am in the kitchen, about 20 minutes a day

  9. i only watch about 10 miutes aday as i go to sleep watching it in bed, this is the only time i get to sit down and watch tv.

  10. not much realy when u r the head of dance troup go swimming and captian at netball theres not much time left! but i do watch about an hour at 9pm

  11. I watch too much TV, being a tennis fan i am glued at the moment and then it's Wimbledon, F1 is unmissable. I love a good film and programmes about the natural world, deadliest catch is another.

    I could go on but am watching some film on Hallmark.

  12. 2-3 hours depends whats on.

  13. erm if its college week days and i have no plans about 2 hours but sometimes just have no time for it

  14. One of mine is on 07.00 - 19.00 daily, one 12..00 - 01.00 and another (in the kitchen) switched on during periods of cooking etc - and I couldn't care less about all the energy I'm using and all (?) the CO2 I'm causing because I'M THE ONE PAYING FOR THE ELECTRICITY and I don't go for all this global warming nonsense ! ! !

  15. Lately hardly any because my husband watches the football and I can't be bothered to watch the other TV. I read instead or come on here and talk to you lot.

  16. None. I haven't watched TV for years which is why I use YA xxxx

  17. None. It's chewing gum for the mind and not worth the licence fee.

  18. Not as much as I used to

  19. At the most two hours.

  20. Tv is on quite a bit but I only actually watch 1-2 hours maybe a little more with snatched news articles.

  21. As little as possible !

    How many buying and selling programmes, cooking and makeovers can anyone take?

    The quality of programme, these days, is abysmal.

  22. 1 to 2 hours

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