
How much TV should Children be allowed to watch?

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How much TV should Children be allowed to watch?




  1. My kids have always only gotten an hour a day, that includes weekends.

  2. Ideally none, but I understand that TV is WAY easier than parenting and interacting with a child to create a bond. Just make sure it's an educational show that teaches something that you can't, like a nature program.

  3. about an hour or so

  4. I think 1 - 3 hours a day is what I hear is recommended most often ....... everyone needs to be careful on what your children watch ........ reading is so important especially with young children ........ a good idea is to read a book with your children or have them read it ....... and then watch the movie of it with them and discuss it ....... good luck ...... = )

  5. Personally, i know people will think badly of me, but my son is 2yrs old and the t.v. is on for about 2-3 hours in the morning and after nap.  He plays with his toys and then he will watch for a while and then play again.  He learns ALOT from noggin and he enjoys the shows.

  6. no more than a few hours a day

  7. 2 hours max with breaks and of coarse adult supervision.

  8. I am not an expert on this subject. I guess it would depend on what they are watching. Is it educational? There are also many different views regarding deceptive advertising content that children are exposed to in commercials today (much more calculated than they use to be). I would say not alot. Reading is good.

  9. about 1-3 hours a day. it depends if when ur children are not watching tv what else they are doing..if when thyr not watching tv their on the computer then i'd say cut down on both cuz both isnt the best for you. but if wen thyr not watching tv thyr playing outside, playing, doing crafts, do homework\workbooks, anything active..then i'd say about 2 hours. but it also depends on the amount of comp. there getting. all together for the day i'd say 2-3 hours combined and they get to chose how much they use on videogames, camp., and tv. since its now summer this is really important now that the kids are home all day! during the school year i'd say 1-2 hours of videogames, comp., and tv all together. but thy hav to get thier hw done first!! and if thy do thr homework one night then eat dinner then have an activity,etc. and only get like 30min. of this stuff then dont let them whine or save up thier time! also if i was you i'd not even tell them about this but i like a journal keep track of the time[dosent have ot be exact!] and wat thr doing so if thr doing tv and nothing else one day tell them to do something else. when thyr time is up just say okay thts enough tv, comp, or videogames, how about you.......go play outside,etc.

    also if thyr little limit it to like 1-2 hours which might seem like alot BUT like noggin is very educational for a little kid! im a big sister of 3 and spend ALOTof time with them [almost as much time as my mom does spend with them!] and my littlest bro [3] knows how to count to 20 in spansih [from dora] from when he was 2 1\2!! and learned patterns, shapes, and more from noggin. and thts from only watching 1-2 hours of noggin a day! also me and my mom notice how much more creative and imaginitive it makes them! they love pretending and playing pirates, aliens, jungle exploers\diego and dora, etc.!

  10. For daughter who is 2 1/2 years old I let her watch 1 hour in the morning around 7am, a movie of her choice, like Happy Feet right now and 1 hour before she goes to bed around 9pm. She is very smart and by watching educational TV programs she has already learned her colors, she can count to 13, she knows half of her ABC's she knows all of her body parts and she is fully potty trained. I don't see TV as a bad thing has long as they are learning something that will be  useful.

  11. as much as they want as long as they're not sitting in front of the tv the whole day let them only watch the shows they really love. Especially if they're a toddler because all the shows they watch teach them something.

  12. all day

  13. None until about 3 Y/O, and then I say just 1 30 minute show a day. At the most ever I'd say like 2 hours...and that is only if they were older and it was a movie. Children dont have immagtinations anymore...and honestly it is sickening.

  14. It depends on: 1, how old they are, and 2, what kind of TV they are watching.

    Per the AAP, children under age 2 should watch NO television.  I also read "Buy Buy Baby" and another book... I can't remember the title.  But it basically stated that studies showed that kids under 2 did not comprehend the entire show of what was happening on the television.

    Between ages 2-4, I would say no more than 1 hour of TV.  Including an educational show like Sesame Street.

    After 4-5, they could watch a 1-2 hour movie once in a while.  But really, you get into homework, school activities, etc. and you won't have time for TV hopefully.

  15. a couple of hours a day but make sure they have enough time to play an exercise

  16. children should be aloud to watch a good amount of TV especially if its  on Noggin. Or shows like Dora, Wow wow Wubsy, shows that teach them life skills as well as make them laugh if they're younger children. Or shows that keep them occupied and out of trouble if they're too old for those shows. Just as long as you get them to understand that after say 7pm or whatever time you set, their shows go off and or they have to go to bed. The amount of tv watched shouldn't be regulated so tightly. Looking at all these people say oh None or a half hour. Is insane. every child is different. You cant generalize children like you are doing. All because you think the television dictator persona worked for your child doesn't mean it would work for mine, or anyone elses. I let my little boy watch a good amount of TV and you know what, He's far more advanced for his age then the Average. In speech, motor skills, and interaction with other children. And this is coming from his Doctor. I let him watch Dora, And shows of that nature.

  17. I really believe that the less the better should be the going assumption when it comes to tv watching. I have 3 kids and they certainly watch their share of tv so I'm not advocating anything I don't have trouble following myself but, tv is almost always a waste of time. It's really good to have for a sick child or when a parent desperately needs for their child to be safely occupied (like when the parent is sick) and most kids certainly end up watching some tv on a regular basis in our culture but -- I would say anything over 2 hours a day is excessive -- depending on what other options you have and how old the child is and what they are watching. Just keep in mind that watching tv is a very idle thing to do -- no exercise, no participation of any kind, and no feedback. And remember that the primary purpose of tv is not entertainment -- it is to sell you products. Children are incredibly susceptible to the merchandising efforts that are being blasted at them on tv all the time.

  18. 2 hrs. of broken time is more then enough!  Make it quality t.v. programs also!

  19. for little kids only a few hours max.

  20. Depends on the age.  I would say no more than a movie long per day. Which is still a lot in one sitting.  My kids can watch a movie while playing in the living room. Atleast they aren't sitting there vegged I let them watch a whole movie.

    At bedtime I will let my 4 year old watch 15-30 minutes of a cartoon while calming down.

  21. It depends on their age. I heard or read somewhere that it's , NONE before 2, and less than 2 hours after that.   We used to watch a lot of tv. Had one in every room. Finally one day I got rid of them ALL !!! Life seems easier with out it. :)

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