
How much TV time is appropriate for toddlers?

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We don't have a TV but my kids watch videos on the computer either on DVD or youtube playlists i've compiled for them. My daughter is three and my son is 19 months old. I am debating how much TV time is appropriate. I'd love to hear from other experienced parents. Please share how much time your kids spend in front of the tube and how long do you think is appropriate in an ideal world?

Also, I'd love it if you could recommend a really good program for the kids in easy English (I would love to expose my oldest to more English content and I've had just enough with Dora and Barney)




  1. Ack Dora! *chills*

    There are many educational shows, Wordgirl, Superwhy, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse... these all teach math and language skills.

    I would say if the children are watching very educational programs they could watch TV more. As a nanny I allow the 19 month old about 30 minutes of TV a day, and the 4 year old about 1 hour of TV a day. That is while I am watching them. But I think that even 3 times that much wouldn't be unreasonable if the shows are educational.

    We have On Demand (Comcast cable) and the 19 month old loves Thomas the Train, but also the nursery rhymes and first word programs made for babies. We all love to watch Backyardigans. Less educational, but a different music style each episode, and its something I will sit and watch with them for 20 minutes.

    If TV is occupying more than 50% of their waking time, then it is definitely time to cut back, no matter what age they are!

  2. I never did, til I was about 12.

    Didn't have a computer either, no tv either.

    I grew up on books, and had a much better imagination and ability to play than other kids my age.

    So maybe don't let them watch it at all.

  3. Personally, I think it depends on what they are watching. In general, though, I think TV should be limited basically to as little as possible.

  4. REAL

    For stay at home children they watch about 8-12 hours of tv a day. I am guessing but depends on what kind of parent you are. THe TV often plays a babysitter while the parents take a break or gather their thoughts. Just monitor what is tv. Children can learn a lot with the right human interaction as well. I'm not saying TV is bad. I actually think children learn from Dora and Little Einsteins. Dora does get boring to the adult but repetative watches the kid gets to learn new things each time they watch. ANd they feel good when they remember the answers. (with moderation of course)

    I would say 4-5 hours but of course not every day! and I bet people would disagree with me...but I don't let my kids watch RENO 911 or Family Guy lol.

  5. Well, docs say to limit tv to about 1 hour a day.  However, I have yet to do that.  Do what is comfortable, just don't give them c**p to watch.  Try giving them leap frog videos or Little Einstein videos.  Little Einsteins also show on the Disney Channel during the morning for kids.  Also, kids love music and dance... nothing better than putting on a CD and just dancing with your kids.  That way, there is some exercise involved and they'll nap and sleep better!

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